this is all your fucking fault ... Jc yelled and all the guys looked at meWe tell every girl when they love us already Jc ....
Ayden doesn't fucking love you ... Jc yelled
She does dude just calm down they are at the beach okay just go and talk to Emily ... Cory tells Jc
She hasn't answered my calls my text she fucking knows .... Jc says
How are we sure that Ayden loves Kian .... dom says
Because she keeps on going back to him and Kian has helped her a lot trust me she does ... Sam says
Fine let's fucking go to the beach .... Jc says
Alright then ....
And don't make a scene alright ... David says
We won't ...
Ayden catch .... Jacob yells and I just saw the football and moved to the sideFuck that ....
I bought one ... Emily walks up to me
can I have some ... I smiled and she put the straw inbetween my lips and I started drinking some of that watermelon lemonade
That's fucking good ....
You want me to buy you one .... Angelina asked
No I'm good .... I said me and Emily sat on our towels and began taking tons of selfies
Excuse me .... a guy says and we both sat up
Hello ... Emily says
You girls look really sexy ... nate smirks at us
Oh shut up ....
You both do but you need to stop wearing those big sweaters... Sean says and put his finger under Emily's chin
You want to for a walk or something ... nate says
You want to give us a massage instead ... Emily says and I looked at her
I don't mind ... Sean says and Emily laid down
Alright then ... I smiled and laid down as well
Ever since you punched me you seem more confident ....
Bitch I am confident.... Emily says making me laugh
I know you are baby .... I smiled
we are never going to fucking find them ... Jc says while we were looking aroundShit ... I mumble looking at the Text Sam sent me
What ... Jc says and takes the phone of my hand
Someone is going to end up dead ... Jc says
"I found them they are both dancing with some guys they finished massaging them like a few minutes ago hurry they are right next to the bar where they sell the lemonades"
you are very beautiful ... nate says and I smiledThank you ... I smiled
No problem ... he says and pulls me closer to him nate slowly leaned in and so did I and our lips finally met
Hey you both should seriously get a room .... I quickly pulled away from the kiss and Kian looked at me
Oh it's just lawley .... nate chuckled I turned around and I saw Jc grab Emily's arm I was about to walk towards them but Kian grabbed my arm