what the hell are they arguing about .... Julie says and I turned around and Emily was arguing with Jc
I honestly don't know ....
I don't fucking need you asshole ... Emily yelled walking towards me
What's going on .... I said and looked behind Emily and all of Kian's friends including himself were looking st Emily and Jc as well
Fuck it ... Emily says and just cupped my cheeks and kissed me at first I was obviously shock but then I kissed back I pulled away from the kiss and Emily looked at me
You are a great kisser ... Emily says and I just stared at her
What the fuck just happened ... I mumbled
I'm sorry Ayden Jc just got me pissed okay he broke up with me I thought kissing you would make him jealous... she says and I began to laughBabe you are supposed to kiss a guy not me he knows we are very close ....
He was shocked though ... Emily says
Yes that's true ....
Are you going to the hang out ... Emily says
For the seniors ....
Well yeah duh ... Emily says
Yeah it's our last year ....
I like it because it's at a restaurant with just us seniors but no one is drunk .... Emily says
We need to wear like something familiar and look cute then you flirt with guys in front of Jc ....
Sounds good ... Emily smiles so did I
so when do we leave ... dom saysTomorrow night ....
I can't believe this shit is happening again ... Cory says
I had to break up with Emily ... Jc says
Well it's for her safety dude .... David says
I have to be an asshole to Ayden ....
Again for her safety ... Sam says
It will be easy ... bobby says
No it won't dude ....
Fuck see Emily isn't so shy ... Jc says and we all look up and I didn't even look at Emily my attention fully went to Ayden she looks so damn beautiful
It's weird how it's like our last year .... Julie saysI know it's crazy ... Angelina says
I'm just glad we are almost done ... Emily says
High school isn't so bad ... Jacob says
No it isn't but the waking up and the working part suck ....
I'm sorry we are closed for today all tables are reserved for the senior class ... we heard the guy who sends people to the tables