Girl Confessions I guess

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Everyone started doing this so

Guess I'm doing it :P

And there were a few questions I'm not comfortable with soo I decided to skip it

1) Do you wear your bras to sleep?

2) Do you like noodles?

3) Do you enjoy drama?
If it doesn't include me, I'm fine. I stay out of it normally

4) Are you a girly-girl?


5) Small or large purses?
*whacks purses away* NU

6) Are you short?
Um, I'm 5"3, is that short?

7) Do you like somebody?
Ew nu, I like potatoes more

8) Do you care if your socks are dirty?
No, I really don't mind

9) Do you like Halloween?
YAS, so I can scare the living soul out of them >: )

10) favorite time of the year?
Christmas, my birthday, and Chinese New Year.

11) Where was the weirdest place you slept?

Hmm, I tried sleeping under a bed, but I pulsing fall asleep. I guess the floor

12) Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the last 24 hours?

DA heck, no! O_o

I'm an innocent child

13) Is there any type of rumor going on about you?

Pretty sure one of my classmates said something nasty about me. She doesn't like me for some reason

14) Do you call anybody by their last name?

Occasionally, my friends have cool last names.

15) How many guys will read this just because it says "Girl Confessions" ?

Um, idk

Be honest::

1) What color bra are you wearing?

2) Do you prefer light or dark haired boys?

Ew, I don't like anyone

3) Are you currents frustrated with a boy?


4) Do you have a best friend?
A few

5) Have you ever had your heart broken?

Yes, by TV shows and the day someone told me my art wasn't good ;~;

6) Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?


7) Do you like your life?

It's good, I just hate all the racism and stress but I have a great family, great friends, and I have you guys! ^_^

8) Have you ever jumped into a pool in your clothes on?

My regular clothes is practically my bathing suit

9) Do you have more friends that are boys or girls?

I don't have much guys friends, probably 2

10) How long have you had a Facebook?

I don't have a Facebook. Who would want a book with a face XD

11) Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?

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