New Species (again)

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Oh yeah, new species again lol

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Oh yeah, new species again lol

I just randomly started sketching and then BOOM

New Species

I've been thinking about calling them Sirenities but if you guys have some suggestion go ahead and comment it

So some basic facts:

•live in da ocean and ponds (duh)
•they have smolish wings, don't fly much
•the deeper they live in the ocean, the wealthier they are
•there are sorta two sides, salt-water and fresh-water
•Salt-water are more royal and fancy, but there are commoner salt-waters
•Fresh-waters are more of the "country" kind and are hard workers
•they come in a rainbow variety of colors
•great swimmers
•These species have great voices (hence the name Siren)
•often have singing showdowns for fun or for competition
•use their voices as "weapons" and can use it for echolocation

Imma go add a chapter part now

If you have any ideas I would love to hear some

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