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Note: The art above is not mine! It belongs to Monarobot on Tumblr who very kindly allowed me to make this story based off of their sketches of Gobliny Jareth, and attach their art! Go give them a follow using the link below!


Flying in through the open window of the throne room, leaving Sarah to party with the other Labyrinth residents, Jareth dove in and tumbled to the floor. White feathers fell all over, whisking around Jareth. He then got up and stood tall, swaying back and forth as he became increasingly dizzy.

Jareth had fallen to the floor of the throne room, hiding his head in his arms as the pain surged throughout his being. His skin felt like it was splitting open; in fact, it was, in a sense.

His fair, pale and smooth skin began to fade. His skin had become a pale blue, and lumps began to appear through his once soft flesh; scales of some sort.

Jareth began to panic, unknowing what was happening to him. The pain was so unrealistic he'd thought he was dying. The clock's chiming had started to go off above him, making his head swirl in pain. His body temperature was so high it made him feel like he was burning alive in a raging fire, or lava.

The torches in the room went dim, and eventually going out, leaving the room completely dark for the moon did not shine as it would. Instead, black clouds covered the bright orb. The only sounds in the empty throne room were wailing, painful cries coming from the defeated Goblin King. He felt as if his body was twisting into some other shape, taking on a whole new form it hadn't ever done with itself.

When the pain had finally stopped, Jareth collapsed to the floor, seething and breathing heavily, almost dry heaving. As he fell onto the floor, his face was suspended just a few inches from the stone. He had grown a set of dark colored horns protruding from his now scaled skin.

Had he known what would happen if he failed, Jareth would've went all out on the girl who bested him. Instead, he was now a creature. A monster parents tell their children about at night.

Perhaps it was fate.

In the dead silence of the dark night, Jareth let out a glass-breaking shriek- a cry. Whether it was a call for help or a sound of agony, he wouldn't stop for the rest of the night.

Beauty and the Beast - A Labyrinth Story [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now