Journey of Love

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This story takes places in a world called Grandia. A girl comes face to face with her life problems and is on a journey to find the right answers.She will face countless dangers and hardships but if she is determined to find her answer then she must face everything the world throws at her.

The Village of Heavena in Grandia

"But Mother, you can't force me to date a man I don't like and know," Elesa shouted as her mother, Elena told her she would be marrying someone whom she does not know. "You have to because if you don't then who will you marry?" Elena asked as she sews a white dress.

Fed up by her mother, Elesa stormed out of the room. Elesa walked to a hut where an old lady was inside, grinding tea leaves. "What's wrong, my dear granddaughter?" Elesa's grandmother asked while hugging Elesa. "It's mother. She wants me to date, someone, I don't know. How can I accept that?" Elesa explained to her grandmother. "She's doing this because she believes you can learn to love someone you don't know because she went through the same thing," Elesa's grandmother said. "You can go to the Canyon of Answers to find out what you should really do," Elesa's grandmother suggested. "Alright, I'll find my answer and decide my own destiny," Elesa said confidently and walked off. 

On that night, Elesa packed her bags and left the village for the Canyon of Answers. "I'm sorry, Mother but I have to decide things for myself," Elesa said as she looks back at her house. Elesa's first challenge was to cross the Divine River. The Divine River's water is so strong that it can wash away even the heaviest boulders.

"You don't plan on swimming across the Divine River right?" a boy asked as he sees Elesa approach the river. "Wait what? Who are you?" Elesa asked as she stepped back from the river. "Name's Cameron and you are?" Cameron asked as he looks at Elesa. "Elesa and what do you mean when you asked me if I was going to swim across the river," Elesa asked curiously. 

"Well, unless you want to die young, you can dive in straight away cause the Divine River can wash just about anything instantly," Cameron explained to Elesa sarcastically. "How am I suppose to get to the Canyon of Answers if I can't get across this river?" Elesa asked frustrated. 

"You can take that bridge over there, you know," Cameron said while smiling and pointing to the bridge. "I didn't see the bridge before. My bad," Elesa said out of embarrassment. "I'll come with you just to make sure you don't kill yourself before you make it to the Canyon of Answers," Cameron said as he walked ahead of Elesa. 

The first challenge for Elesa was rather simple and she gained a companion but maybe the other challenges will be harder than the Divine River.

Elesa comes across her second challenge which is the Forest of Lost Vital. The Forest of Lost Vital is said to be full of bandits and thieves but Elesa and Cameron have no other way but to move forward.

"The Forest of Lost Vital. I don't remember why this place is dangerous," Cameron said as he leads Elesa into The Forest of Lost Vital. "The sunlight that shines through the trees of the forest makes it less dark," Elesa said as she looks at the light that shines down from the trees when suddenly, a gang of bandits started to appear from within the forest. 

"Bandits?!" Elesa said as she took out her dagger from her bag with Cameron behind her. "Don't let your guard down. These bandits are smarter than they look," Cameron warned Elesa as he grabbed a nearby stick to use as his weapon. As the bandits approach, Elesa and Cameron started to swing their weapon to scare the bandits away. 

One of the bandits rushed towards Elesa but Cameron jumped in front of her and knocked out the bandit right away. "Don't you dare touch her, you damn bandits," Cameron said after knocking the bandit out. After that, another bandit jumped behind Elesa to attack her, however, Elesa turned around immediately to attack the bandit. "We have to get out of here but we're surrounded," Cameron said as he stands back to back with Elesa.

"I've got an idea. We'll get pass them by swinging from tree to tree," Elesa said as she hurriedly tackled the bandits and climbed onto a tree followed by Cameron. "Ready? GO!" Elesa leaped off the branch of the tree with Cameron to land on the other side of the forest. 

Without hesitation, Elesa and Cameron ran off. "That was close," Cameron said. "Yeah but we survive, also thanks for saving me just now," Elesa said as they continue their journey to the Canyon of Answers. 

After the Forest of Lost Vital, Elesa's next obstacle was the Plains of the Deities. The Plains of the Deities is nothing more than a wide wasteland before anyone reaches the Canyon of Answers but rumors say a guardian awaits at the end of the plains.

"Once we get through the plains, we'll be at the Canyon of Answers. Can't wait huh?" Cameron asked Elesa. "I guess so but maybe I'm not ready," Elesa said as she turns around and sees Cameron standing close in front of her smiling. "You've come all the way here. How can you not be ready?" Cameron asked as he holds Elesa's hands, trying to boost her confidence. "Well, now that I'm here, I feel like I'm not ready to accept whatever that's going to be revealed to me," Elesa said softly when the guardian of the Plains started to run towards Elesa and Cameron. 

"ELESA! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Cameron shouted as he pushes Elesa aside as the guardian ran pass them. "Cameron?!" Elesa looked around after Cameron saved her. "I'm fine or should I say totally drowned in sand," Cameron said as he popped his head out of the sand. The guardian was directly in front of them and he started to pound the ground with his fist. 

"What's wrong with him?" Elesa asked as she runs towards the guardian. "What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Cameron asked as he follows Elesa as she climbs up the guardian. "There must be something wrong with him and I'm going to figure out what!" Elesa said with determination as she held on to the guardian even when he's shaking all the time. 

As the guardian continued to pound the ground in rage, Elesa and Cameron fell off the guardian. The guardian swung his arm, attempting to hit Elesa however, Cameron had already jumped in front of Elesa, taking the blow for Elesa and Cameron was knocked out. The sacrifice of Cameron somehow stopped the rampaging guardian and the guardian crumbled to dust.

Cameron was lying on the ground, coughing out blood and barely surviving. "Cameron! Stay with me! You can't leave! You brought me all the way here, you can't just leave like this," Elesa pleaded as she hugged Cameron while crying. "E..Elesa, li..listen to me. You have to on. You've come all the way here," Cameron said as he struggles poorly. 

Elesa, not wanting to leave Cameron, carried him to the Canyon of Answers. "We're almost there, Cameron so please stay with me," Elesa said as she carries Cameron on her shoulders. As soon as they reach the Canyon of Answers, Elesa laid Cameron down gently and a loud voice was heard.

"What do you seek, Adventurer?" the voice asked loudly. "I want to see my friend alive. I want to see his smile but he's sleeping or should I say dying," Elesa said as she falls to her knees. "And the reason he's in this condition right now is because I was so desperate to make my own choices in life," Elesa said with tears running down her cheek.

"What you seek is true love. I believe you have already found it," the voice said loudly with proud. "What do you mean by that?" Elesa asked while sobbing. "Look behind you, my dear," the voice said loudly.

As Elesa turned around, she could see Cameron floating while being surrounded by an immense light. "Cameron?" Elesa sees Cameron glowing radiantly and when she approached him, the light faded off and Cameron fell into Elesa's arms.

"Elesa? Is that you? Have you gotten your answer?" Cameron asked as he slowly stands up. "Yeah and I'm very happy I came all this way," Elesa said happily as she wiped her tears. After Cameron was brought back to life, Elesa and Cameron returned to the Village of Heavena and was welcomed by the villagers with happiness.

"Where have you been, Elesa? I've been looking all over for you and now you come back with another boy, holding hands!" Elena scolded Elesa as she sees her with Cameron. "Mom, this is Cameron and he was the one who helped me get to the Canyon of Answers. I journeyed to the Canyon of Answers to find my destiny and I learn that love is where we least expected it to be," Elesa said while hugging Cameron.

Elesa found love where she least expected it and that was Cameron. Although they were only together for a short period of time, they developed feelings for each other as they faced all hardship together. Cameron was willing to take a hit for Elesa while Elesa requested for something else from what she actually wanted. Everyone has their journey of love and everyone has their perfect match.

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