Chapter 36: Realization

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"I guess it was pointless to asked help from them, and no one else will help us." Gill said sadly. "They're either after Jess for that bounty or they're too scared because of the rumors about her."

Axel and Magnus, who are the only two survivors of Boom Town, started the rumors. Only after much later they found out that Jess did something to the citizens.

But they simply don't know, and from what they told about how Jess conquered Boom Town, no is brave enough to go see the ruined kingdom for their own eyes.

And the ones who do, they don't come back.


"What do you mean there is no delivery girl?" asked Axel, confused.

"Well, of course there is no delivery girl." Said Lisa. "She said that the bakery doesn't do deliveries, and she's an employee who personally delivered the cake herself."

"That's also the problem, I asked the owners, and they said they don't have any female employees!" explained Jesse as their eyes widen. "The only other person who runs the place besides them is their son."

"But then how did she get our cake?" asked Lisa before she was full of worry. "How did she know where we live?"

"Is it possible she made the cake herself and followed you guys?" Said Olivia.

"That's not possible." Said Lisa. "We made it a specific order that only the bakery knows how to make."

"Then how did she get the cake?" asked Petra. "How did she know that this is the specific cake you ordered?"

"The owners at the bakery said that a lady, with short black hair and green eyes, volunteered to deliver it for them, even paid them to let her do it." Said Jesse.

"Why would someone go through all the trouble just to deliver a birthday cake?" Asked Axel.


Gill continued to walk to his home in the City. Well, technically it was the Ocelots, but they're short two members. One of them is dead while the other got fed up and quit.

"Hey Gill," said Aiden as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "are you going to be alright?"

"Honestly?" he asked, taking his friend's hand off of his shoulder. "No, I won't. I think I just need to be with family for a bit."

Aiden nodded. "I understand. Look, I think I'm going to stay at the Inn for a while, the one near the house, and clear my head."

Gill agreed. They can both use some personal time. But before they spilt off, Aiden glanced over his shoulder and had one final thing to say.

"Gill, just remember that if you need help with anything, for you or your sister, just ask." he said, walking towards the Inn. "It might not mean much, but even though we're not related, I do, and always will, consider you family. See you in a about a week." he said, waving as he walked away.


"This has to be Jess." Said Olivia, earning a slight glare from Jesse. "That delivery girl, with short black hair, green eyes, looks just like Jess if she wore the same uniform and if she cut her hair shorter."

"It can't be." Said Jesse defensively. "Jess only has one arm, and the delivery girl has both of hers."

"Could it be a prosthetic limb, a fake arm?" asked Olivia. "Every since the war, you can easily get one."

"No, it's not a fake." Said Lisa. "She could move it, bend it even, as if it is the real thing."

"But she has a Regeneration Core." Said Axel. "Couldn't she have used it to regrow her right arm back?"

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