Chapter 64: Redstone Part 7

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While PAMA talked with Ellegaard, I stepped out to see Redstonia. A technologically advanced kingdom. Over time, the small archipelago that it was built on expanded and connected the surrounding very tiny islands.

It continued to expand, at least a hundred blocks in diameter, using a combination of magic and physical labor. Eventually the kingdom erected walls to prevent easy invasion from other kingdoms.

And they are beautiful. Nice chiseled walls made out of obsidian that are five blocks thick, carved with an elegant pattern of white to show how prideful the people of Redstonia are.

Evenly spread out, are the watchtowers, stationed to see for any possible army or fleet invading. On each one is a flag of Redstonia: a piece of redstone dust on a black background.

I breathed in the ocean-like air, ignoring the chills I received on my burned body with only my black cloak to keep my upper body warm.

The medical bandages I wrapped around my chest needed changing, but I simply ignored it while I watched the citizens of Redstonia walk in and out of their houses made out of quartz.

Every so often I see large clearing specifically for the dryads to grow trees and crops to supply Redstonia. Within seconds, I witnessed a large field of wheat grow in a golden wave.

I looked at the dryads, the slaves of Redstonia. They wear green leaves over their pale skin, yet never tans in the scorching heat during the day.

I even saw them sleeping in the field they have to maintain in exchange for living here. So they don't have homes to sleep in...

I looked at my two Hell Rings, Sigh and Despair as the former rests on my pinkie and the latter is on my ring finger. I pulled out another.

This ring's band is made out of black smoke. With a crying, deformed skull that is chewing on a heart. I slipped this ring on my middle finger. I used [Observe].

[Hell Ring: Greif]

A ring crafted by the demon Maura. This ring allows the wearer to create a barrier that will prevent the victim from escaping, and others from entering. Not because of physical restraints, but because of a subtle, yet potent, mixture of fear, anxiety, and depression that transmitted to the unconscious. Area size is determine by how much Mana you use. This ring will passively increase all illusion skills by 20%. However wearing this ring reduces total Mana Capacity by 10%.

So far, 30% of my total Mana is gone. But I always have a plan. But PAMA will out here soon, and I have to make sure everything goes smoothly.

I used all of my Mana to create the barrier. Suddenly, a ring of black fog surrounded Redstonia, and threw the people into panic.

I looked around, and smiled as I saw Olivia bossing people around. Being Ellegaard's apprentice must really inflate your ego.

I activated Sigh, moving undetected as came closer to Olivia. She is busy showing off 'her' golems as the crowd asked her questions about them, before dismissing them as if they are below her.

But truthfully, she doesn't understand the mechanisms to expand this knowledge on, only copying my designs. Cassie should be in place by now to absorb all of this chaos.

However, no matter how much I concentrate on my plan... Olivia's arrogance will somehow reach my ears. The crowd of redstone engineers gathered to her, desperate for answers to the ring of black fog.

It doesn't help that the fog is making everyone, but me, feel a combination of fear, anxiety, and depression. I love the work of a demon. "Everyone calm down," addressed Olivia, on top of the golem known as Giant, another one built since I destroyed the last one.

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