Chapter 69: Damnation Part 4

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The duo ran towards the wounded Bailey, Petra glancing at Chai walking away as the urge to fight her never disappeared.

Bailey may not be friend, but she's a good girl! She didn't deserve what happened to her just because she pleaded for help.

Both of them kneeled by Olivia, who's trying to stop the bleeding and preventing Bailey's organs from spilling out again. "Olivia, listen to me," Said Lisa in her calm voice. "I need you to help us get out of here."

Olivia looked at Lisa, still horrified at what she had to do just to keep Bailey alive as her blood is still covering Olivia. "Help how?" She croaked, still shaken by the recent events.

"I need you to bring out a golem." Lisa stated calmly as Petra rushed towards Axel, ready to help kill the swarming undead monsters. "You always carry the parts in your inventory, and I need one that can carry us."

"But that'll take too long," Olivia shook her head as Lisa pulled out a Potion of Healing, provided by Bailey and applied it to her. "Besides, your Templar energy will disrupt the golem's movements since my Golem Tinkerer Class uses Mana to control the golem."

"That's why it's only going to carry everyone but me." Revealed Lisa, much to Olivia's surprise. "The golem, the Scorpion model to be exact, is big and fast enough to carry everyone away from here."

"What about you though?" asked Olivia, finally taking her hands off of, the now unconscious, Bailey as the girl seemed to be stable... for now, at least if her pained breathing is any indication.

"I'm a Templar," Lisa reminded. "While I don't use Mana, that doesn't mean I can't use spells."

"But I can't just leave you here," Protest Olivia as Petra decapitated a zombie that was about to flank Axel. "You're our friend, and Jesse's wife and-!"

"And I can take care of myself," Lisa interrupted calmly as she handed over the green gem Collin gave them. "There is an outpost north from here, this will help you get inside."

"But what about you?" asked Olivia, pocketing the gem as she started to pullout her golem parts and started to set up.

"I need to find my husband." Said Lisa as she pulled out her black longsword. "He would have transported the soldiers out of the town on a platform made out of an earth type material, but I didn't see it on the way over here, and I still don't see it now."

"Then we should help too!" Protested Olivia as she's halfway done with the construction of Scorpion, saving time by not adding in the weaponry. "We can't just abandon you all alone here!"

"Bailey needs medical attention, the outpost in the north can save her." Said Lisa as she decapitated three zombies that rushed at her, circling around Olivia to protect her while she works. "Also, Axel is exhausted, and so is Petra. We are outnumbered here, and more monsters are coming!"

Olivia looked around as she was almost done, the never-ending swarm of undead monsters that, for some reason, are heading towards the town. With a final click and connecting the jointed, mechanical stinger to the main body. Scorpion is completed.

Olivia gently picked up Bailey and placed her on top of the large, mechanical arachnid. "It's done," She shouted above the fighting. "Axel, Petra, get on!"

The duo that was fighting gave Olivia a surprised glance before running towards her machine. Hopping on top with Axel near the tail, Petra in the middle with Bailey's head on her lap, and Olivia in the front as she concentrates on bringing the machine to life.

The red eyes of the artificial arachnid glowed. Olivia used her red mage magic as her current Class, Golem Tinkerer, branched off of the Red Mage Class. Axel looked at Lisa as she is easily fighting off the undead monsters. "Lisa, get on!" he shouted.

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