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"Jagi, stop clinging." I said tiredly. "But were officially couple!" She said happily. "But you are so heavy" i whines. She look at me and pout. "Really? Am i really heavy?" She said like doing a magic and i kiss her on her cheeks. "Omo!" She said and blush. I smirk. "Omo? Someone is blushing." I teased and she cover her face. I remove her hands off her face. "Dont cover my beautiful piece of art, or else i wont see its true beauty." I smiled and looking at her blush again, "Yah oppa! Your are a tease! It is unfair!" Shd whines and pouted. Gosh, she is so cute! I pinch her cute cheeks. "Ah!" She said and glared at me. I lean closer to her face. And she got shock. She widen her beautiful eyes and her breathing increased. I smiled at her like seducing her. "O-oppa w-what are you doing?" She said stuttering at her own words. "Why? Im just looking at my art," i smirk and kiss her. At first she is shock what is happening but she responded. "HYUNG! DONT KISS HER!" The four shouted but i lock our lips she like to back off but i wont. "Gosh, he is a real pervert" seungri said while pointing at me. I let go and smirk at the red tomato. "Done? President calling us five. While you are again, making trouble" gd said and sip his coffee.

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