당 신....

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Oh no. I just messed up with the test and my mom will become a monster about it and eat me alive. Gah! Help me every one. I slowly walk in Seoul. "I.AM.MESSED.UP!!" I shout and every one take a glance to me and as if i care. Im scared if i go home with a F in my card. ㅜ ㅜ. I dont want to sleep in the street. Its cold! And ofcourse! I dont want to taste my mom's hand!


As her mom is cooking for theyre visitor. Checking the clock...6:54pm. "Where is that wench" her mom's mumble as she finished cooking. A soft knock make her mom run towards the door. "Oh! Your here! Come in!" she said excitedly while preparing the dishes she just cooked. "Woah! Eommonim! Its look smell delicious!" The guy said and inhaling the smell of the food. And then they look at the door when someone knocks. Her mom chuckled and slowly open the door. Her mom see her like a tsunami blows to her. "Omo! What happened?!" her mom shouted and the guy turn her gaze to her and smile at her but she just bow to her mom and tiredly walks to her room. Her mom following her from behind and stops while looking at the man. The man shrug. "y/n! After you finished exchanging clothes come out and have a meal with us!" her mouth shout and sit infront if the guy. After a minutes she go out and slowly sit beside the man. She sigh and look at the space. "So let's eat!" her mom said and start eating the delicious food while the man just take a glance to her. After they finish eating,her mom assist that she will clean and dont butt in. So she is with the man on the sala's. "So whats your problem?" he ask and look at y/n. "I have a big problem oppa." she said and whisper something to Seung Hyun. "YOU GOT AN F?!" y/n punch him twice and curse him. "What is the F?" your mom said walking towards you while her eyebrow is rising up. She just remain silent and elbow Seung Hyun. "Uh eh eommoni uh Jagi has an F-F in--" before he could finish his sentence her mother was shouting with a big eyes. "WHAT?! YOU WENCH!" She shouts and massage her temples. Y/n just beg to her mom with her knee is on the ground and her hands are clapsed together. "Oh my god.....get out......please......just this night..." you immidiately stand up and mouthed at seung hyun. "Eommoni were going" she grab him out. "Y/n its gonna be alright ok?" he said and comfort her. She hug seung hyun "Oppa! Im lucky because you are there! She didnt eat me alive! Thank you!" she said and lean in and brushes theyre nose. Seung hyun kiss her and grin. "I guess i can make you happy tonight" he lift her up and made theyre way to the room while kissing.

감 사 함 니 다! 정 말!

VIPs!!! Thank you for keep supporting our kings! Please! Wait for them till they come back ok? Love you guys!

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VIPs!!! Thank you for keep supporting our kings! Please! Wait for them till they come back ok? Love you guys!

VIPs!!! Thank you for keep supporting our kings! Please! Wait for them till they come back ok? Love you guys!

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