letters to you. [2]

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"Name?" a dark haired lady, maybe fourty, asks me smiling. I could tell the grin was plastered on her face as she glanced up at me, her eyes lookung like they were begging for help.

"Shae. Shae West."

The dark haired lady, whose name is Kali, guides me upstairs to another unit. As I walked through the never ending hallways, some people would glance at my eye, whispering and gasping towards their friends. I didnt care, I liked it. It reminded me of Kendall, and that's what makes me most happy. Him.

I could still remember our last conversation. It was around one ㏂ when the wind howled as we sat under the bride that connects his street to mine. We'd walk down to the park, holding hands the whole the way, laughing. I could tell he loved me, it was just hard for him to express his feelings. He knew I loved him, but sometimes he needed reassurence. We talked for three hours, him telling me not to fall in love with any other guy there. He always had this crazy idea I'd leave him for someone who can actually control his anger, who doesn't take things out on me. I could never do something like that to him though, no one else in this word could make me feel the way Kendall does.

"Okay, your room is 201 on floor two. Your roommate should be here any time now. And everything I explained to you, I will make sure to explain to her. When she arrives, I will be back. If any questions, let me know. Until then, you may start unpacking-"

"Roommate? What roommate?" I ask, starting to feel like oxygen isn't properly making it's way to my lungs. I like being alone. I thought I was going to be alone.

"Noelle Neenxe, seventeen. That's all the information I can share for now. She should be here soon."

I fall onto the soft matress as Kali shuts the door behind her. I didnt want to go here, let alone be with some random stranger. I want to go home, and into Kendalls arms. I knew there was a 1% chance of that happening, but i could still dream.

After a long decision on which bed I wanted, I picked the one by the window. I loved looking out of it, watching people fishing or playing around in the summer air. It brung me joy, but that was pretty much the only thing. Everyone was having fun except for me.

After two hours of waiting around, Kali was on my room again, but this time with my new roommate. She was pretty, her long black hair in layers, hiding her left eye. I wondered if she had an identical eye like mine, black and swollen. My theory was soon shot down when she pushed the bangs out of her eye to reveal beautiful blue orbs. I was instantly jealous of her, looking away as Kali explained the rules and schedules of this hell hole. I waved silently as Kali left.

"I'm Shae," I say forcing a smile on my pale face.

She nods. Doesnt say a word, but carries on putting her clothes into her closet. She obviously isn't very talkative, so I soon give up and go back to my window watching.

The whole place has to go to bed and wake up at the same time. You go to bed before 11 and wake up 9. Well, that would be an issue for me because Noelle would toss and turn, her phone lighting up the whole room as she plays on it. I'd sigh loudly, thinking she'd get the hint one of these times. I finally fall asleep, and that's when my phone went off.

"I want you to come home." Kendall's voice booms from my phone's speaker into the quiet room, grabbing Noelle's attention.

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