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Nikolina POV

It's too dark I can't see anything I said to myself

You knew it was going to happen

Who said that?! I yelled

A shadow started walking towards me

and when I saw it's face....

it was me

you could've saved them Nikolina

Who are you?

I'm your worst nightmare, but you already knew that

I'm your shadow self I show you things that you shouldnt be able to see

Then why show me?

Because that's what I'm here for, now scream


The shadow ran towards me making me scared and I screamed

"What the hell?!"

"I didn't mean to scare you, but you have to wake up, it's time for school"

"Uhm, yeah sorry Aunt Ava I just had the weirdest dream"

"Oh yeah? what about?"

"It's not important, I'm going to go get ready"


After getting ready for school I grabbed an apple and started walking to school

When I arrived I stopped and looked around at the quad

students were talking, Football players were playing football and cheerleaders were walking around like they were the shit

"Alright you can do this"

I said taking a deep breath

I walked into the school looking around when I bumped into someone

"Oh I'm so sorry"

I said looking up at the person

He was blond with beautiful blue eyes

"It's fine"

He chuckled helping me grab my books

He grabbed all my books and gave them back to me

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, are you new here?"

"That easy to tell?"

"Well it's a small town, I've never seen you before"

"Yeah I just moved from Russia"

"That's where the accent is from"

I laughed

"Yes, I didn't realize that I had an accent"

"Hey I'll see you around I gotta go"

He said in a hurry and left

After that, I found my way to the office where I grabbed my schedule

The bell for the first-course hadn't rang yet so I just walked the halls of the school

I stopped when I saw a board with pamphlets

"Cheerleading? No, Photography?"

I said to myself aloud

"You look like someone who draws, maybe you should join the school design team"

I turned my head to see a younger boy next to me

"How did you know that I draw?"

I asked intrigued in the boy

"Just a hunch I guess"

He smiled and I smiled back

"I'm Nikolina, but you can call me Nikki"

"Nikolina? What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"

I could feel my cheeks burn red at the compliment

"Very smooth"

I commented

"I'm Jeremy"

"Very nice to meet you, Jeremy very good name for a handsome guy like you"

That's when the bell rang

"I'll see you later Jeremy"

I waved goodbye and walked away

"What a cutie"


I just had this idea last night and couldn't get it out of my head

I don't know what I'm going to do with this story if I'm going to finish it or not, I don't know yet

But if you liked it make sure to vote and share

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Love you all!

Banshee ● JEREMY GILBERTWhere stories live. Discover now