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After school, I decided to go for a nap

as I drifted away I already started to have one my weird dreams

I saw the blonde girl but she was alive and still in the hospital

she was with a woman older than her about Ava's age

"Caroline you have to eat"

"But it's gross"

"It's hospital food, it's supposed to be gross"

before I woke up the only thing I saw was a room number

Why do I keep seeing this girl

I asked myself waking up

My curiosity got the best of me

I grabbed my aunts keys and drove to Mystic Falls hospital

I parked the car and entered the hospital asking a nurse where I could find the room number that I remembered vividly

She showed me the way

before entering I took a deep breath


I asked entering the room

"Who are you?"

"Oh, Hi Uhm, this is going to sound weird but ok, you don't know me but I know you"

"Are you a stalker or?"

"No, no not at all can I just explain everything?"

She nodded and we sat down

I explained to her all the dreams and she seemed to believe me

"So what? you see death?"

"I have no clue I just had a vision where a girl killed...you got killed but here you are"

"And I know your name and I knew you'd be here, I can't explain how I know this but I just do"

"I know it sounds crazy but-"

"Don't worry I believe you, I just"

before I knew it the blonde girl pinned me to the wall

"Don't scream"

I nodded

"Do not struggle"

"You will do as I say"

"I will do as you say"

"Good because I'm hungry"

She then proceeded to bite my neck

I felt her sucking out the blood out of my neck


Banshee ● JEREMY GILBERTWhere stories live. Discover now