Chapter One

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<| Mary |>

I bring down my sledgehammer, sparks flying as it collides with the blazing metal, the radiant heat forming beads of sweat on my face. I repeatedly hammer the metal into submission, as I have been for a good decade or so by now with my brother in Mr. Brown's shop.

My brother comes out from his sleeping quarters and says, "Mary, I'm off to the Swann's to deliver the governor's order."

"Wait, what?" I call to him as he gets his most formal clothes. I set my hammer down on the anvil and shove my blade back into the flames. "How come haven't you told me you were leaving?"

He smiles at me and shakes his head. "I didn't know you'd like to come along."

"'Course I would!" I say, crossing my arms.

He laughs and says, "Well hurry up and get dressed. Don't want to be late!"

"All right, all right!" I rush out, hurrying up to tidy my appearance. I pull up my golden brown hair, putting on a nicely-fitted, white, baggy long-sleeved shirt, snug trousers, and a gray button up waistcoat, hoping it was presentable enough for the governor.

He rolls his eyes, and mutters, "Must you be so difficult. You want to get out, but you refuse to dress like a woman."

"Bloody hell, do you even understand how much pain it causes to where a corset?" I scoff at him as he slips on his brown double-breasted coat. "Don't you dare make me ever wear one, or I will end you."

He laughs at my empty threat, and I can't help but chuckle along. I pause, and ask with a smirk, "Do you really just want another reason to go to see your beloved Elizabeth?"

He stops and turns to face me, delivering to me a deadly glare. With a playful shove, he grumbles, "Oh, shut up."

I laugh at his irritation. He sighs and says, "Do us a favor and don't make me a look like a fool in front of her or her father."

I throw him a grin and rest a hand on his shoulder. "No promises, brother."

I stride over to a nearby pan, using it as a mirror. I press my lips into a fine line as I pin back some stray strands of my hair. Will, dressed in his finest clothes himself, waits for me by the door.

"Ready?" Will asks me as I walk over to him. I nod, taking a deep breath.

"Ready as I will ever be," I mutter.

<| Elizabeth |>

I open my eyes with a start, immediately wide awake. My heart beats violently inside of my chest, and I force myself to maintain steady breathing.

Odd to dream about the day I met Will and Mary... Haven't dreamt of that day in a long, long time.

I look around my room, not moving an inch from where I lie. At the thought of Will, I recall the medallion he had. The one I kept from him.

I look to my gas lantern, and sit up, taking it carefully. I slide out of bed, making my way to my desk, my bare feet softly padding on the chilly floor. I open the top bureau drawer, and search for a latch with my fingers.

The Adventures of the Blacksmith's Sister |Book One| {COMING 2020}Where stories live. Discover now