Chapter Four

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<| Elizabeth |>

Despite already chilled by the breeze hitting my soaked underdress, My deceitful rescuer murmurs in my ear, sending another slight shiver down my spine. "I knew you'd warm up to me."

Neck craned, I keep my eyes on Norrington, glancing to Mary who seems ready to pounce in my defense. Jack demands politely, "Commodore Norrington, my effects, please, and my hat."

The rusty chains of his shackles brush against my skin. Norrington doesn't move, gauging the possibilities of getting me out of this frightening situation. But for too long he waited, because Jack nearly shouts, "Commodore!"

I feel Jack pull me closer, and I gasp, doing my best to keep steady breathing. Although, at this point, I am equally as angry as Mary and Norrington must be. Jack murmurs softly in my ear, "Elizabeth. It is Elizabeth isn't it?"

Norrington receives Jack's effects, and I snap back in reply, looking at the pirate from the corner of my eye, "It's Miss Swann."

Jack pauses for a moment, and then continues in that soft tone, "Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind."

Norrington and I exchange a glance, and almost apologetically, he offers me Jack's effects. I lower my chin to be level-eyed with Commodore Norrington.

"Come, come, dear. We don't have all day," Jack murmurs again. Norrington dumps Jack's effects into my arms, and Jack grabs the pistol, still holding the chains around my neck. He spins me so I face him, and I feel the freezing steel of his pistol on my temple. I tense up at the feeling of my life so close to ending.

Jack, whom I finally get an unwanted closer look of, is a few inches taller than me, his eyes as dark as coal. He smirks a bit at my helplessness, and says in a sickly sweet tone, "Now if you'd be very kind."

I lower my gaze to the effects in my arms, and clench my jaw. I begin with strapping on his sword, then ungracefully bring his hat up to his head, forcing it on with clear disgust. He lifts his eyes from mine to Norrington's, and smiles as I reach around his back to get his shoulder straps buckled on. When I strap onto him his gun straps, and tighten the buckles as much as possible, he warns with a teasing tone, "Easy on the goods, darling."

With one last yank on the belt, I lift my head, letting my dangerous gaze settle on him. "You're despicable."

Jack shrugs and murmurs nonchalantly, "Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you save mine, we're square."

He then spins me around by my shoulders, placing the pistol back against my head. He tells to the soldiers and to Mary and I, "Gentlemen, miladies."

He begins pulling me back step by step, and I am forced to go with him. He continues, "You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!

In an instant, he pushes me away. I gasp, falling into Norrington's and my father arms. I turn in time to see Mary race after Jack.

<| Jack |>

I escape, grinning at my sly plan's success. I turn the corner and kick a wooden lever, clinging onto a rope that is connected to it. But the momentum is too much as a cannon was pulling me up. When the cannon drops into the wooden deck, the large beam begins to spin. Oh no.

To be fair, only thought my escape plan up to the point of releasing the lass Elizabeth.

The large beam swings me around. I look down at the soldiers and the two bonny lasses, seeing them all stare up at me in confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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