Chapter Three

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<| Mary |>

As I pass the battlement, I glance at the scene. Confusion strikes my mind as I notice the crowd of soldiers at the edge, peering over.

I sprint up and hear Norrington shout, "Elizabeth! My God."

I push through the soldiers and see him make to jump in after her. Gillette, another soldier who is quite a timid soul, stops him. "The rocks! Sir, it's a miracle she missed them."

I shake my head at their cowardice, and prepare to jump, unfastening my leather belt. The thought of Elizabeth drowning at the bottom of the ocean haunts my mind. I ask, holding my blacksmith belt to Norrington, "Commodore, you don't mind, do you?"

Without a second thought, I leap diving straight for the place Elizabeth landed. Salty winds slam against my face, and before long, the ocean waters take its place.

<| Jack |>

I glance down at the ocean, then between the two soldiers that I stand in the middle of. I point at the splashed waters and ask the bigger soldier, "Will you be saving her then?"

The more heavyset soldier shakes his head and says, "I can't swim."

I sigh and look to the thinner guard, who stares back at me. I roll my eyes and take off my hat, grumbling, "Pride of the King's Navy you are."

I push my hat against the heavier guard to hold, and hand both the guards my effects. "Do not lose these."

Just as I dive in to save the lass, another person pierces into the ocean.

<| Mary |>

I take hold of Elizabeth's hand, keeping her from sinking any further. Her gown, however, pulls us lower and lower into the ocean, and I struggle to keep my breath.

I look at her lifeless form, and notice a necklace floating around her neck. I swim to her, and hold it in my hands.

A pulse emanates from it, sending a ripple throughout the entire sea.

I look up and see schools of fish swim away. What was that?

Elizabeth and I reach the bottom of the ocean, and I hear bubbles from nearby. I look up to see the possible-pirate from earlier swimming closer to us.

Surprised that he is bothering to help her, I plant my feet on the ocean floor, and scoop Elizabeth under my arms, pushing off with all my might to meet with the man.

He slips his arms around her waist, and together we swim up to the ocean surface.

Fresh air burns my lungs when we both surface, taking labored breaths. I look at the pirate, who glances at me before sinking down again. I take a deep breath and swim below to see him rip open her dress and slip it off.

I watch the expensive gown drop further onto the depths, then swim up to meet the pirate at the top.

< | | | >

With her body over his shoulder, brings her to the docks, and I swim past so I can help pull her onto dry land. Murtogg and Mullroy rush over, tossing what must be the pirate's effects to the side to help.

The Adventures of the Blacksmith's Sister |Book One| {COMING 2020}Where stories live. Discover now