Lessons: Part One...

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Wonderland Weather:
Sunny if the King is happy or content.
Rainy if he's upset.
Snowy if he's jealous or scared.
Stormy if he's angry.

Narrator's POV

Hadrian made his way down to the dining room and sat at the table across from the King.

"Good evening, Hadrian." The King greeted, sipping at red wine

"Good evening, your majesty." Hadrian greeted, sitting across from him

"When we are alone, Hadrian, there is no need to continue with theses formalities." The King added "You may call me Tom."

"Okay," Hadrian replied "Tom."

Tom smiled softly and servants brought out their meal as they continued to talk.

After a delicious meal, some wine, and lots of talking, Hadrian politely excused himself to go to bed.


After Hadrian woke up the next day, he dressed into a new outfit — a red dress with black tights —that was laid out on the desk and cursed that he was constantly wearing dresses.

He went down stairs and had a quiet and relaxing breakfast with Tom, afterwards he was given a note with his daily schedule on it.

"7:00 - Breakfast with the King

8:00 - Magic and Politics Lessons with Bellatrix LeStrange and Bartemius Crouch Jr.

12:00 - Lunch with the King

1:00 - Etiquette and Nobility Lessons with Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy

5:00 - Free Time

8:00 - Dinner with the King

Schedule is not negotiable and will be kept until further notice."

Hadrian quietly walked into a room that a servant told him Madam LeStrange and Mister Crouch were waiting for him.

Bellatrix LeStrange —a tall, pale woman with think, curly dark brown hair wearing a red dress with black lace— and Bartemius Crouch Jr. —a tall man with light brown hair wearing a black suit with red details— stood waiting for him.

"Hello, dear," Bellatrix smiled "how are you enjoying the Kingdom of Hearts so far?"

"I love it," Hadrian answered "it's so much better than my old world."

"You remind me of my son, Neville, he's just like you, I can tell already." Bellatrix sighed

"The Mad Hatter?" Hadrian asked "I met him in my way here."

"You did! Is he happy?" Bellatrix exclaimed

"Mostly, he's a little upset by his lack of sales." Hadrian answered

"My baby loves his little hats." Bellatrix added "His father, uncle, and I have always encouraged it."

"Ahem." Bartemius coughed, gazing attention "We have a schedule to continue."

"Oh, right." Bellatrix muttered

"Hadrian, I will be teaching you on Wonderland's politics." Bartemius informed

"And I'll be teaching you how to use Wonderland's magic!" Bellatrix added

"Firsts things first." Bartemius added "there are four kingdoms in Wonderland: the Kingdom of Hearts, ruled by King Thomas II; the Kingdom of Diamonds, ruled by King William and Queen Fleur; the Kingdom of Clubs, ruled by King Cedric and Queen Cho; and the Kingdom of Spades, ruled by King Albus.

"The Kingdom of Diamonds produce many of Wonderland's luxury items like silk or gems; the Kingdom of Clubs produce many rare types of vegetation, wines and teas like jugleberry fruit; the Kingdom of Spades produces the most oil and coal; and the Kingdom of Hearts produces the most magic, gold and silver.

"Each kingdom is represented by a color: the Kingdom of Hearts is red; the Kingdom of Clubs is green; the Kingdom of Diamonds is blue; and the Kingdom of Spades is grey."

For about two more hours, Bartemius —who had asked to be called Barty— continued explaining the four kingdom's economies and people.

Bellatrix —or Bella as she preferred— began to teach him magical theory, and he had attempted —and failed— to light a candle.


Hermione Franqui walked around Surrey, hoping to catch even a glimpse of her best friend, Hadrian, who had been missing for three months.

She glanced down at her watch and sighed, she would need to get back to her flat before the landlady closed up for the night.

Hermione walked down the road, stopping to look at a field of red flowers that had a single oak tree in it.

She sighed again, this was Hadrian's favorite place in town.

She walked up to the tree and saw where they had carved their names on the tree along with the words "Best Friends Forever."

Hermione pounded on the wood that had Hadrian's name, why did he leave without saying goodbye?

Suddenly, the ground beneath her gave out and she was sent down a hole that was filled with floating furniture while she fell.

Her outfit had changed from a white t-shirt and faded jeans to a dark red dress with black details, her sneakers changed to Mary Jane's, and her light brown hair was now curled.

After a few minutes of falling, she landed on a pile of sticks and looked at the room around her: there was doors of all different shapes, colors, designs, and styles.

She eventually opened and entered a door that was made of old, clawed wood that looked like it would soon crumble on itself.

Once she stepped inside, the door disappeared behind her and she found that she was inside a forest.

A forest that she would later learn was the Forest of Giant Beasts...

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