Wedding and Coronation...

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Wonderland Weather:
Sunny if the King is happy or content.
Rainy if he's upset.
Snowy if he's jealous or scared.
Stormy if he's angry.

Narrator's POV

Four years —or 120 years in the Other World— passed since the night of the fateful kiss, and now it was time for Hadrian and Tom to get married.

On a extremely beautiful day, in a field of flowers in the middle of the Royal Forest as the silver sun set in the purple sky, Tom —wearing a tux with a red tie and his silver and ruby crown— and Hadrian —in a short white and red wedding dress— and Hermione —in a plain red dress— as well as an official stood for the extremely private wedding.

On a extremely beautiful day, in a field of flowers in the middle of the Royal Forest as the silver sun set in the purple sky, Tom —wearing a tux with a red tie and his silver and ruby crown— and Hadrian —in a short white and red wedding dress— an...

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The official handed Tom a silver ring that was encrusted with diamonds, had a heart-shaped ruby and a strand of gold and Tom slid it onto Hadrian's left ring finger, "I, King Thomas of Hearts, take you, Hadrian Potter, to be my Queen and bride. From this day forward, you will be my sun at dawn and my stars at night, and I vow to love and cherish you forever."

The official then handed Hadrian a silver wedding band and he slid it onto Tom's left ring finger, "I, Hadrian Potter, take you, King Thomas of Hearts, to be my King and husband

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The official then handed Hadrian a silver wedding band and he slid it onto Tom's left ring finger, "I, Hadrian Potter, take you, King Thomas of Hearts, to be my King and husband. From this day forward, you will be my sun at dawn and my stars at night, and I vow to love and cherish you forever."

The official turned to Hadrian and said, "Hadrian, do you accept the responsibilities and hardships that come with being the Queen of Hearts?"

"Yes." Hadrian replied, smiling

"Then I pronounce you King and Queen of Hearts," the official said, placing a silver crown that had rubies on Hadrian's head "you may now kiss the bride."

Tom moved some black hair out of his Queen's green eyes and kissed him chastely, sealing their marriage

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Tom moved some black hair out of his Queen's green eyes and kissed him chastely, sealing their marriage.

The King then picked up his Queen bridal style and carried him away from the official and guest to a cabin not that far away.

The simple cabin was not made of logs but rather grey stone, the interior was simple: a fireplace with a red rug; black couch on the rug; a large, lavish, silk covered bed; and another room that led to a bathroom.

Tom set Hadrian down on the bed, removed both of their crowns, and kissed him passionately, his tongue quickly finding its way into the younger male's mouth.

Hadrian responded just as eagerly, his slender legs weaving around Tom's hips and his thin arms snaked around Tom's neck.

Tom began to undo the ribbons of Hadrian's gown and threw it away, leaving the smaller male in only red lace lingerie.

A blush covered Hadrian's face as Tom began to kiss, suck and bite his neck, causing Tom to chuckle, "Sweetheart, you're the most beautiful and kindest thing I've ever laid eyes on."

Tom began to remove his own clothes and then he removed both of their undergarments, leaving them both naked.

Let's just say, Tom got to stare at the other half of the tattoo all night as passion carried them.

Let's just say, Tom got to stare at the other half of the tattoo all night as passion carried them

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King Albus of Spades, sneered upon his kingdom's nobility, the Tonks', the Weasleys, the Doges, and the Shackbolts and at the fact that they were all that remained of his formerly populous nobility.

His kingdom was in poverty while the other three kingdoms were prospering.

And he knew that the only way the Kingdom of Spades would prosper is if it had the resources of all four kingdoms.

He smiled at that, all four kingdoms under one crown —his crown.

And the only way he could rule of of Wonderland is if he had the true Queen of the prophecy as his bride.

And the prophecy said:

The true Queen will soon arrive,

From the Other World he'll take a dive.

The Blood King's heart will be safe in the Queen's hold,

And the Queen will have a heart of gold.

The Fool King will take the spawn away,

But fail to lead it astray.

Rumor had it that the King of Hearts had found the true Queen, so he needed to contact his spies in that kingdom and capture him immediately.


The Kingdom of Hearts celebrated its newlyweds for days and the days were perfect.

Could life get any better?

They didn't think so, but alas, surprises always happened...

The King and Queen of Hearts: a Harry X Voldemort|TomWhere stories live. Discover now