Off With His Head...

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Wonderland Weather:
Sunny if the King is happy or content.
Rainy if he's upset.
Snowy if he's jealous or scared.
Stormy if he's angry.

Narrator's POV

Days passed slowly in Wonderland every day Hadrian went to his lessons, but recently he'd be allowed to sit in on cases were presented to the King.

On this warm, sunny day, Hadrian walked into the throne room and sat in the chair near the golden throne —that Tom was already sitting in.

"You can leave today's session if you wish, Hadrian." Tom said

"Why?" Hadrian asked "What's wrong?"

"It's Execution Day, Hadrian." Tom answered

Hadrian remembered learning about the Heartian holiday in his lessons with Barty: every Execution Day, fifteen prisoners are brought here from the Heart's Prison, Azkaban, and the King decides wether they've served enough time for their crimes or if they should be executed by decapitation.

"Would it be alright if I stayed?' Hadrian asked

"If that's what you wish." Tom replied as the Kingdom of Hearts' nobility entered


The Nobility of Hearts assembled around the room as Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan LeStrange entered the room with fifteen prisoners in tow.

Bellatrix unchained the first prisoner, a man, from the group and shoved him to kneel in front of Tom.

"Nick Gala," Barty read from a scroll "sentenced to life in top security in Azkaban for the rape and murder of twelve woman."

"Execute." Tom immediately said and Nick was chained to the end of the line to await his death.

Rodolphus then moved on to the next prisoner, a woman, and did the same.

The woman screamed as Barty read from the scroll, "Caitlyn Dew: sentenced to life in Azkaban for stealing from a trader."


"Katie Bell: sentenced to life in Azkaban for the murder of her husband and children."


"Richard Nox: sentenced to life in Azkaban for abusing his five children."


"Dolores Umbridge: sentenced to life in Azkaban for abusing children in the school she taught at."


For eight more prisoners, their crimes were read and were all sentenced to death.

"Percy Weasley: captured by Heart Guards crossing the border into the Kingdom of Hearts from the Kingdom of Spades." Barty read

The crowd sneered in disgust, the two Kingdoms hated each other.

"Execute." Tom ordered

Finally, a woman was unchained.

She didn't scream, cry, or beg, she simply did as told.

"Isabella Michaels," Barty read "sentenced to ten years in Azkaban for resisting arrest after stealing from her village's baker."

The King sat silently for several seconds before saying "What do you think, Hadrian, should she live or die?"

Instantly, everyone in the room looked to the boy in the black and red dress.

"I-I uh," Hadrian stuttered, quickly recovering "well, what did she take?"

"Two loaves of bread, sir." Isabella said

"Why did you take them?" Hadrian asked

"My children were starving, and we were out of money since my husband and I lost our jobs." Isabella answered

"Well, I think she should be pardoned." Hadrian answered Tom

The Queen will have a heart of gold.

"Very well." Tom replied "Mrs. Michaels I pardon you for your crimes."

The crowd gasped, no one in the King's eight years in reign has been pardoned.

King Tom smirked, his Hadrian was the Queen of the prophecy; that much was certain.


Hermione Charlotte Franqui slowly entered the Village of Hope, physically and emotionally exhausted after five days without food and three days without sleep.

She entered the castle, explaining her tale and was sent to have an audience with the King.

Hermione entered the throne room and saw the King of Hearts talking to someone in a red and black dress.

The person on the dress laughed at something the King said, Hermione's eyes widened, she knew that laugh anyone: that's Hadrian!

"Hadrian?" Hermione asked, her voice a croak

"Hermione?" Hadrian asked, shocked beyond belief "How are you here?"

"So this is the Hermione I've been hearing so much about." The King muttered, a snow fall starting outside

"I was looking for you, Hadrian. I followed this boy who looked like a rabbit and then all of a sudden I'm in a forest filled with monsters and it takes me almost a week to get out and two more to find my way here." Hermione explained "Is this where you've been, for two months?"

"Time works different here in Wonderland, 'Mione, two months there is two days here. And I've been here for almost two weeks so it's been more than a year in the other world." Hadrian explained "And once you enter Wonderland you can't leave, either."

"What?!" Hermione said, shocked

"If we leave, we'll die within five hours." Hadrian explained, and Hermione collapsed...

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