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Wonderland Weather:
Sunny if the King is happy or content.
Rainy if he's upset.
Snowy if he's jealous or scared.
Stormy if he's angry.

Narrator's POV

Shortly after they had wed, the rulers of the Kingdom of Hearts learned that the Queen was pregnant.

Wonderlandians from all four kingdoms bet on whether the King and Queen of Hearts would be welcoming a prince or a princess since the Queen refused to have the doctor use magic to determine the gender.


Three months later, King Thomas II walked into the Family Wing of the Castle of Hearts that the royals lived in, only one room was in use —the King and Queen's bedroom— but five more rooms littered the hallway.

The bedroom across from Hadrian and his own had been worked on: on the ceiling there was a mural of the purple wonderland sky and it's silver moon and it's constantly changing constellations; the walls had been painted to show random beautiful places within the kingdom; on the back wall there was a window seat where the child could stare into the gardens; on the left wall there was a white bookcase filled with children's stories; nearby to the bookcase there was a wooden white rocking chair where they could read to their child; in the center of the room there was a white crib that had a red silk mattress and blankets; and on the right wall there was a pile of stuffed animals of all sorts of Wonderlandian creatures and animals.

Everything was so carefully unisex, except for the doll castle he had hidden behind the pile of stuffed animals —he knew it had to be a girl.

He had been so careful not to clutter the room, so that Hadrian may sing and twirl their little girl to his heart's content.


Six months later, on Hadrian's ninth month of pregnancy, their little princess was born after an extremely long labor where the doctor had cut into Hadrian's stomach and used magic to heal him.

Princess Lilith had her father's curls but her mother's black hair and emerald green eyes.

Tom and Hadrian adored their little girl, but Tom was concerned over a part of the prophecy, "The King's child is lost."

In order to protect his beloved and their child, he had made sure that five guards were always with the Princess and five more with his Queen when he wasn't with him.

He had said (threatened), "None of you will leave this door. No one will leave my Princess or Queen alone even for a second unless I order it. If any stranger harms them, I will take all of your lives with my bare hands —no magic needed."


Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley grinned wickedly as she folded blankets in the laundry room —the princess had been born— now she needed to complete the plan that her true king, King Albus, had given her and her brother, Ron.


Four months later, Hadrian and Tom were sleeping soundly in their room when Hadrian woke up suddenly.

"What's wrong, my love?" Tom asked, tiredness obvious in his voice as he pulled Hadrian closer to him

Hadrian removed himself from Tom's arms and got up, "I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to go check on Lily."

"Okay. Take some guards with you." Tom urged

"It's just across the hall, Tom, not the other side of the castle." Hadrian yawned, walking out the door

Right now, the guards where changing sifts so Lily was alone for a few minutes as Hadrian entered the nursery.

As Hadrian entered, he head straight to the crib and stared at his beautiful child, her body covered in the moon's light.

He was busy smiling at her that he didn't notice the hand that was covered in a cloth clamp over his mouth and caused him to faint.

As his body fell to the ground, Lily started to cry.

A few minutes later, Tom decided Hadrian had been gone too long and got up to check up on his family.

When he entered Lily's nursery he saw both his Queen and Princess gone and the window wide open.

He growled as the realization hit him: they had been taken.

He shouted for guards and ordered them to find out if any servants were missing as well to discover who had let the kidnapper in.

The King of Hearts growled again, whoever took his family would pay in blood and defiantly lose their heads.

"Off with their heads." Tom muttered, hatred dripping in his voice as an thunderstorm began and raged outside...

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