Hell (Class And Rest of School)

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I'm so sorry I haven't written I have been caught up with school and stuff but anyway enjoy this chapter.

Cat and Dan made their way through the crowded corridors to their first class. When they got into class Mr. Reginini introduced Dan.   "Hello class, we have a new student Dan How-" right when the teacher said his name the boy that called him a faggot walked in the door. "Well Lester, late on the first day? Not a suprise. Sit down." the teacher said. "Before I was so rudely interupted, we have  new student and his name is Daniel Howell." "O-O-Oh um You can call me Dan," Dan stuttered. 

"okay Dan you can sit next to Mr. Lester", Mr. Reginini said. 

Can this day get any worse Dan thought to himself. He walked down the aisle and sat next to Phil. He felt so awkward since everyone's eyes were on him. He and everyone else looked up at the board. 

**Le time skip to lunch**

Dan got his lunch but he was in no hurry seeing as he didn't have any friends and he thought no one liked him. He sat down at a bench by himself. Then two boys came up to him and he began to grow nervous. 

"Hey, I'm Chris and this is Pj", Chris said as he pointed to Pj and himself. "you can call me Peej", Pj said. 

"H-Hi I'm, um, Daniel,  but you can call me Dan", Dan stuttered. They began talking and Dan was becoming close with them and began to trust them. 

**Le time skip again because school is boring**

On Dan's way home he felt an arm around his waist, he got really scared and tried to get loose from their grip, but they were too strong. He heard a familiar voice that made him go stiff.

Cliff hanger who?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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