Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Dangerous Game Of Secrets Part 1


"Can we go now." I said pointing towards the train station that wasn't far away.

"Don't forget about me!" I turned to see Wendy running up to us. "Sorry I'm late, Carla was not wanting to go, saying something along the lines 'I hope he is ready for what's to come.' and 'please come back after the mission no matter what.' it creeped me out, but I'm here." she said quickly.

"Ok?" Lucy said tilting her head.

"Come on! I want to beat monster butt!" more like demon's ass. Hey! I turned from the team and started to walk the rest of the way to the train.

"Were coming, so hold up flame brain." Gray said in a sour tone. Still mad I see.


Acting like I'm going to puke I keep my head out the window and make gagging sounds. I should be a famous Actor. Or a famous demon that's ruling beside your brother Zerif. Nah, not my kind of thing.

"So what's the mission about again Lucy." Erza asked Lucy, while Lucy reread the mission request again before looking at everyone else.

"The mission is about, a group of shadowy monsters are being sighted around a village on the edge of Flore. The village is called Borderland (I'm not thinking of the game... ok I was playing the game and the name just came to me.) But it's not the sightings for why they requested wizards, every week someone goes missing, and none have came back except of one." She responded to Erza.

"This sounds nothing like a monster attack." Erza said looking down while thinking.

"Seems to me we could be dealing with some demons." Gray said while leaning back against the train seat.

I'm getting bored, maybe I should do something to suprise them? Nah.

"Aye! Some fish demons more like it! I'll take those fish demons and put them in my belly." Happy said being... well happy about the idea of fish demons.

"I'm guessing no one has really seen the monsters or demons." Erza added on looking at Lucy for information.

"What The flyer says, that they only got most of there information from the one survivor, but then again they -suspiciously- only asked for team Natsu from Fairy Tail to come, so I believe we're not being told everything.

"MA-maybe they w-wait a awe-wesome team." I fake gurgled out. Or maybe my past is coming to get me. Monsters and demons. Your so smart! You want a chicken leg with that. **** off E.N.D. Watch your profanities Natsu!

"We should be at this town called 'Borderland' in a couple hours so we should all rest and save are energy." Erza said to everyone. Soon soft snoring was heard. Everyone turned to the snoring to see Wendy and I -not really- sleeping already.

"Well some of us are being smart now." Erza said looking at Gray and Lucy making them shiver.

"Aye~" Happy said before face planting into Lucy lap because of fright.

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