Chapter Eleven

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Nora was feeling even more fatigued as the days passed. Now that she had finally admitted it to herself, she could see the effect the pregnancy was having on her body. Her entire body felt heavy as she dragged herself across the room, ignoring the following of Reiner's eyes at her every movement.

Annie had left two days ago in search of a doctor for Nora. She was fighting against Reiner for one. The last thing she said before slamming the door angrily behind her was "We kidnapped Nora, not that child."

Bertholdt handed her a plate of chicken and bread with a mug of warm tea. Annie had insisted that she needed real food, otherwise it'd be more trouble than it's worth keeping a pregnant woman.

By the time Annie had returned, Nora was already up again, keeping the nauseating feeling pushed to the back of her mind. There was no doctor behind her and a frown was present on her usually emotionless face.

"She'll need a doctor soon," Annie says, arms crossed over her chest.

"Why? Why should we be worried about this baby?" Reiner asks. He was visibly annoyed at Annie's doting on their prisoner, and Nora can't help but feel anxious at all of the tension in the room.

The two of them continued to disagree on this as the days passed, until out of the blue, Reiner brought a tray with green tea to Nora, a gentle smile across his usually rough looking face.

"For you," he says, lowering the tray down to her eye level. There was a sliced lemon on the tray and a small dish filled with sugar cubes. She skeptically looked at him, slowly extending her hand to the cup and lifting it, the steam warming her neck and causing a chill down her spine.

"What's the meaning of this, Reiner?" Annie asks from across the room. She was seated at a table reading a book, her blonde hair down from its usual bun and laying lazily on her shoulders.

"It's just tea," he answer, turning to her with a fake smile. "She looked down, and I thought green tea would be good for her health."

"What's with the sudden concern in her health?" Annie asks, now standing up and crossing the small room.

"Not so much her health, but the health of the baby."


"Um, Annie, Reiner and I were talking, and we've just realized something," Bertholdt says quietly, standing next to Reiner. The tall man easily towered over everyone else, and despite his soft spoken voice, his overall demeanor demanded that you listen to him.

"And what's that?" Annie asks, eyes narrowed.

"That baby is going to be half Levi's. We could work with that."

"It's also half hers, and she's weak. She's worthless to us."

"It doesn't matter. That's the baby of Humanity's Strongest. We could train that baby and make sure it responds to becoming a Titan shifter."

"The baby could take after her."

"But it could take after him."

Nora swallowed thickly. Her hands instantly went to her stomach protectively. She felt even smaller and even more powerless than she ever had here. Here were these three people, talking about the fate of her unborn child.

And none of them had the right to.

"Please," she finally spoke up. Her hands remained protecting her stomach and she could already feel the tears in her eyes. "Leave my baby be, please. Don't make them go through that."

"We need Humanity's Strongest. You have a choice now. Your baby or Levi." He leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with a piece of paper and a pencil. "Tell them yourself."

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