Chapter Twelve

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Nora felt uneasy.

The four of them walked with brown cloaks with the hoods pulled over their heads. Reiner walked closely behind her, a knife hidden under his cloak held firmly in his right hand.

If she tried to run, she'd be killed.

Levi was prepared to trade his life in exchange for hers and their child's. But as Nora heard earlier, Reiner and Bertholdt had no plans of exchanging her and letting her live. They said that after Levi was in their custody, they'd kill Nora.

Though they didn't know that she heard their plans. She had to wait for the right moment to warn them.

She walked with her head down to their dedicated meeting place. The place she was in now wasn't familiar, but based on the shape of the Walls around them they were in an outlying district. The houses were crammed tightly together and small, so Nora could only guess they were somewhere in Wall Maria.

"Reiner, how do you plan on doing this?" Annie asks quietly. "We will be surrounded by soldiers. The Survey Corps aren't going to willingly give over Captain Levi."

"We have to hold onto Nora until the last moment." Reiner pushed her from behind, beckoning her to walk faster. "Once we get Levi in our custody we will release her."

Reiner didn't mention killing Nora to Annie, so she couldn't help but assume that Annie didn't know yet. Nora's hands went to cover her stomach, holding it protectively. Annie definitely wouldn't allow them to kill Nora. Annie had tried protecting her since Nora revealed that she was pregnant.

Maybe Annie would protect her?

Yeah, if only she could be that lucky.

Even in her peripheral vision she was able to see the green cloaks surrounding the area. Her captors didn't seem even the slightest bit worried. Reiner and Bertholdt had assured Annie that they had other people on her side, though she wasn't sure how true that was.

It all ended here. She couldn't help but think that as they passed from the outlying district into the main Wall. Whether or not I die today, everything ends here.

Her heart nearly stopped as she saw him there. His cloak was pulled over his head, hiding his face from the public. But it was obviously him. There was no doubt about it.

"Levi!" Nora calls his name out. His head snapped up in his direction, eyes widening for the smallest fraction of a second before narrowing once again at the sight of her captors. Without even realizing she ran towards him, only making it a few steps before Reiner grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back, a small yelp escaping her lips.

"Hey, cut that shit out you fucker!" Levi yells. He took a few steps towards her before forcing himself to stop.

He had to meet their demands, or Nora would be at risk.

"Please, just let me go to him," the curly haired girl begs. "Please."


"Nora, are you okay?" Levi asks, trying his best to calm his stern expression. She looked awful. Her hair was in all directions and looked dull. Her face was pale and her eyes sunken in. She had no doubt lost weight; he could see it in her hollowed cheeks and the thinness of her shoulders.

"Yes, I'm okay." She pauses, pushing a stray curl behind her ear and looking down. "I know you know, but I want to say it at least." She could feel tears pricking in the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand, sniffling before meeting his eyes. "Levi, I'm pregnant."

The distance between them felt miserable. They were separated by about thirty feet and were surrounded by a large group of people, both civilians and soldiers. The soldiers were trying to evacuate everyone, but the news of Nora's capture quickly spread through the Walls and attracted a large crowd.

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