(Continuation) : Him &Me

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Going back to almost the beginning of the story where Liv and Ethan had just met. This part takes place at a restaurant where they are having dinner with Han (His adopted Uncle) & Sonia (her mom) talking & chatting mostly about their upcoming wedding. Then Sonia's cell rings "It's the hospital, I'm sorry I'm gonna have to take this." She said leaving the table where it was just the 3 of us now. "So Liv you should tell Ethan about your new wheels for your #wheelchar, how it's fast like a motorcycle wheel" Han said. "Really thats awesome !" Ethan said smiling at me. "Yeah I have it custom made for her. You know that Ethan is into motorcycles that's like the only thing he'll ride on" Han went on "Once he gets his #motorcycle license maybe you guys can race or something like that." He starting laughing. "I don't think my motorcycle is that fast like her wheels" he said laughing too. I just sat there & smiled. & in the back of my mind "I'm like great he's good-looking & likes to ride is this for real or is he literally stepping out of a dream." Then my mom came looking disappointed. "I'm sorry that was the hospital, they want me to a shift tonight. I told them I would be late bc I have to drop off Liv at home with Jade. " she said. "It's okay well just gonna make 2 stops then "Han said. "How about you guys can go ahead & I walk with Liv & take her home to Jade " Ethan utter out. I just turn around & looked at him feeling stun in the inside, but more stun that my mom immediately agree bc my mom would never let me be in the hands of a (handsome) stranger." Okay it's settle then, bye babe she said to me (kissing the top of my head) I will tell Jade u will be home in a bit." Then the two of them left the restaurant leaving me alone with him. 

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