Chapter 10

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The car soon passed a small village. There wasn't much to look at, except for a water tower, a playground, and a large square with shops to the side. The doors and windows to the shops were barricaded, and the parking lot was empty, save for a purple Zhiguli that looked like it stood there since the beginning of the Third World War. The atmosphere this village gave off was eerie, so the Toyota drove past as fast as possible. Thankfully, the intersection Yao talked about was right next to the village, so Ivan made the turn to M18 without a problem.

The roads were deserted. Maybe it was because they were far away from the city, or maybe because all transportation had stopped, which seemed unlikely, because even during the times of the Second World War, food and refugees were being transported to and from the Ladoga Lake.

"Turn on the radio or something, I feel like I'm walking through a cemetery." Gilbert shuddered and pointed at the stereo system of the car.

"If there's no one on the roads, I doubt there's anyone in radio stations." Yao replied, not looking over his shoulder at the glaring German.

"Just do it."

With a sigh, Yao pressed the 'on' and 'radio' buttons of the stereo. The first station they encountered worked, surprisingly, but it was just news.

"Our ground forces have defended the Americans in the North and Central Ural. While the North and Central European side of the country should only worry about attacks from Middle and West Europe, the South remains in a situation of Emergency. Some key points are Samara, Orenburg, and Ufa. Meanwhile, China has defended the port of Daljan, but the rest of Northeastern China remians under Japanese and American control. We will follow up on the attack and defense processes of our allies in a minute"

"Oh god, anything but this shit! I don't want to know how close I am to my death." Gilbert groaned from the backseat.

"Be quiet." Ivan stated and turned the new up louder when a new topic arose.

"In other news, we still cannot locate the personifications of nine countries. It has been half a year since any witnesses saw them. I remind you that the personifications of Russia, China, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Karelia, and Kaliningrad disappeared half a year ago, and have not been heard from since the beginning of the war. If any of you have seen them, please inform the local authorities."

Ivan immediately pulled the car over with a screech. If he continued to drive, there was a chance that this would be their last trip.

A shocking silence arose in the car, and the four tried to process what they just heard.

"The bastards have kept us in secret since this whole bloody thing started! That's why they sent us consumables through a taxi driver, and that's why we never heard from them. I wouldn't even be surprised if they nuked us in that damned residence!" Ivan raged and stepped out of the car, shaking his head and cursing in his native language.

Yao was the next one to step out of the car, "Maybe it's not a good idea to keep driving. Let's turn around in case anything happens at the residence." He offered, but was met with a terrifying glare from the violet-eyed male.

"No. I want to get to the bottom of this. If they decide to kill us off, so be it. I just want to know the exact plans of the government." Ivan looked up at the gloomy sky with a look of hatred.

"Bloody idiot." Gilbert brought his hands up to his face upon hearing the other's decision.

"What else did you expect? My brother is the type of person who would go to his death to find out the truth. He's an honest person, and he believes everyone who interacts with him is too." Lena rested her arm on the window, not facing her conversation partner.

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