Chapter 9

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"Come downstairs, I've got presents for you." A loud voice echoed through the vast hallways of the house. If communism was about equality for all, something was not right with this "family". They gained money, property, and status just by existing. But if that did bother anyone, they were not to speak out unless they wanted a punishment that even the devil wouldn't give. Whenever the head of the house said anything in such a tone, it meant punishment. This is why the three Baltic brothers hesitated going out of their room.

"Don't make me repeat myself." The voice yelled in a harsher tone, and the three glanced at each other in fear before exiting their room.

"What do you think Comrade Braginsky wants from us at this time? It's New Year's Eve, why can't we celebrate it in peace?" Raivis, the youngest one of the three asked, glancing up at the other two.

"I really don't know. I'm sorry." Eduard sighed and walked into the main room of the house, to find the others sitting around a large round table with calm expressions.

"What is this?" Toris asked, staring down everyone in the room. There were only five people total: Ivan himself, his three sisters, and Gilbert, who was apparently relesased from the hell he was kept in- God bless him.

"Sit here." The tall blond, who seemed to tower over the table pointed to three empty chairs near the exit. Reluctantly, the brothers uncomfortably sat down in the seats.

"Today is New Year's Eve." Ivan proclaimed, looking over the group before him, "My sisters and I always celebrated it together, and now that our family has increased, I decided that we should celebrate it with each other. Isn't that a good idea?"

No one dared protest. The infamous gas pipe stood next to the Russian, almost challenging the rest. But they had their fair share of 'meetings' with the thing, and weren't planning on make any more.

"Here, Comrade Stalin will be giving his speech soon." Ivan turned on the radio and the eight listened to New Years music in an awkward silence, each staring either into space or at the plates and bowls filled with food in front of them, that no one dared touch.

"Eat something, at least. My sisters spent the whole day making New Years food." The blond stated and motioned over to the food.

Unwillingly, the others took small portions of the food and slowly ate. This seemed to displease Ivan, as he was hoping to celebrate the holiday happily with his now bigger family, and the rest didn't look like they wanted to do so. Before he could say anything, though, a familiar voice erupted in the radio speakers.

"Dear citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I congratulate all of you with the end of another year in our great country..." The group piped up at the voice, and listened carefully to the message, even though it was the same every year.

Soon after the speech, the ticking of the Kremlin's clock was heard. Ironically enough, it was heard not only in the radio, but outside of the apartment as well. Ivan used this time to grab the bottle of luxurious champagne from the table, and began counting with the rest of the group.

As soon as the clock hit twelve strikes, the cap of the champagne bottle flew across the room, and loud cheering was heard outside. The anthem of the Soviet Union began playing over the radio, and was heard in the walls of the Kremlin, as well. Surprisingly enough, the holiday atmosphere spead into the apartment as well, for most of the personifications managed to at least crack a smile, and some were congratulating each other on finishing another year. And despite all recent events, from the side, the group certainly looked like one happy family.


"Stop staring into space and throw another log in the fireplace, would you? The fire will burn out soon if I have to look after both the food and the fireplace." Katerina yelled to her brother as she stirred the potatoes.

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