1. Family Tree

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"Happy birthday!" The happy statement rang through the Kelly household.

"Thanks, daddy!!" The twins giggled, eyeing the cake that was set in front of them by their grandmother.

"Это шоколад [eto shokolad]. как тебе [kak tebe] (it's chocolate. how you like it)." She grinned.

"Спасибо, бабушка [spasibo, babushka] (thanks, grandma)!" The girls beamed.

"Did you put anything in there, mom?" Robert gave her a look.

"люблю [lyublyu] (love)." Was her only answer.

Madame Babushka was what most people knew her as. She was a serial kidnapper, having abducted about 10-15 people, torturing them, dismembering them, and eating them with her husband Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, whom was a cannibal, having killed several women.

Robert set the girls' presents on the table and sang happy birthday to them. They blew out their candles and Babushka and Nikolai clapped.

"Vich side is mine?" He rubbed his hands, grabbing the cake knife.

"правая сторона [pravaya storona]. Но пусть девушки сначала соберут свои кусочки [No pust' devushki snachala soberut svoi kusochki] (The right side. But let the girls get their pieces first)." Babushka snatched the cake knife from him and cut the girls their pieces of cake.

"I knew you put something in there." Robert grumbled.

"Да, для твоего отца. Не для девочек [Da, dlya tvoyego ottsa. Ne dlya devochek] (yes, for your father. Not for the girls)." She cut herself and Nikolai a piece.

"Бабушка, как вы познакомились с Николаем? [Babushka, kak vy poznakomilis' s Nikolayem] (Grandma, how did you meet Nikolai?)" the girls ask.

"Ну, он планировал убить меня тоже, но он этого не сделал. Я думаю, я слишком совершенен, чтобы меня съели. [Nu, on planiroval ubit' menya tozhe, no on etogo ne sdelal. YA dumayu, ya slishkom sovershenen, chtoby menya s"yeli] (well, he planned to kill me too but he didn't. I guess I'm too perfect to be eaten.)" Babushka smiled.

"In a vay I did eat her." Nikolai teased, earning a smack from his wife.

"Dad, not in front of the girls!" Robert hissed.

"Oh please. You vorry about zem losing zer innocence ven you plan for zem to run zah family tradition. Get your head screwed in zah right place, boy." He rolled his eyes, eating his cake slice.

"Which reminds me," Robert pushed the presents to the girls. "I made them myself." He smiled.

"Я сделал большую часть работы, которую ты долльт. [YA sdelal bol'shuyu chast' raboty, kotoruyu ty doll't] (I did most of the work, you dolt)." Babushka smacked him. He shushed her as the girls unwrapped their presents, finding a folded jumpsuit with a wig, mask, and a pair of matching gloves.

For TK, her jumpsuit was blue with a blue wig and blue gloves. Her mask was white with a blue heart on the cheek with two little bubbles beside it. The lips were painted a shiny blue and behind the holes where the eyes would be was a black cover so no one could see the eyes oh who was wearing it.

Trudy's jumpsuit, wig, and gloves were purple and her mask had three purple stars on the cheek and the lips were a shimmery violet color.

"Thank you!!!" The two hugged their Babushka and their father.

"See the masks protect your face and vision so people don't know who you are." Robert explained. "They're pretty hard too." He knocked against the mask to demonstrate his statement.

"Надеюсь, что вы двое по-прежнему любите синий и фиолетовый, когда вы старше. [Nadeyus', chto vy dvoye po-prezhnemu lyubite siniy i fioletovyy, kogda vy starshe.] (hope you two will still like blue and purple when you're older)." Babushka pulled the outfits out of their boxes. "Пойдите попробуйте их на [Poydite poprobuyte ikh na] (go try them on)."

The girls run into the bathroom and put their outfits on and walk back to them.

"Они тоже эластичны, поэтому они должны соответствовать вам, когда вы старше [Oni tozhe elastichny, poetomu oni dolzhny sootvetstvovat' vam, kogda vy starshe] (they're elastic too, so they should fit you when you're older)." Babushka adjusted the masks and wigs on the girls.

"And if it's raining or snowing, they have hoodies." Robert pulls the hoods over their heads.

"Can we go out tonight??" The girls ask.

"I don't know..." Robert rubbed his chin.

"Vat zah hell, let zem go, boy!" Nikolai smiled, hugging them. "It's zehr virzt time anyvay."

"Alright. But be careful and try your best to stay out of sight - in fact, I should go with you." Robert decided.

"I vood go too but I'm too old for zat." Nikolai chuckled.

"Please, papa?" The girls pouted.

"No, no, you vill have good time vizout me." He smiled.

Robert grabbed his own outfit which was just a bloody flannel, bloody jeans, black shoes, and a bloody doctor's mask.

Robert Dzhumagaliev, now called Robert Kelly, was raised in Montana by a different family. A family friend named Julie Wright had watched over him while his parents were gone and he was home. But she ruined his innocence, stealing away his mental state and taking advantage of him. This went on from age 8 to 11. He never told anyone. He never even showed any signs that she did anything. When she got pregnant, her husband left her, but still no one but her and Robert knew who would be the father. When she had the kids, he snuck to her home, stole the twins, muffled Julie as she was asleep, and ran off with the babies. He ran into Nikolai and Babushka and they took him in as their own, welcoming the twins as their own grandchildren as well. He took care of them but since he stole them, he forgot their birth certificate and had called them Trudy and Tiodoria (TK) since he never knew the names Julie had given them.

"Let's go!" Robert called, grabbing his bone saw.

"Daddy, what weapons do we get?" TK asked.

"Knives. You're not old enough for guns and they make too much noise." He hands them kitchen knives.

"You got a cool name, dad. What are we called?"

"Hm... you choose your own." He smiled.

That's the beginning of Crush and Shimmer.

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