7. Some Assumption

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"Hey, TK! I was just trying to call you!" Trudy ran over, hugging her sister.

"I left my phone behind on accident." TK smiled a little and pushed her sister off. "I was practically held captive." She gave her sister a look in a way of saying 'I need to talk to you'

"Dad didn't let you leave or-"

TK pulled Trudy aside. "'Scuse us."

"What happened??" Trudy whispered.

"Bad storm. Eyes in a working shed." (Bolt happened. I was held captive in his shed.) TK folded her arms.

"How gone?" (For how long/how did you escape) Trudy covered her mouth in shock.

"I not know. Asleep when I woke. I had shot in my arm." (I don't know because I was unconscious when he took me there. He shot me in the arm and he bandaged me) TK explained.

"Jesus, TK." Trudy shook her head.

"Hey, I'm here now; we'll get back at him later." TK smirked.

"What are you two even talking about?" Matt stared at them, Ben giving them a questioning look.

"It's a spoiler." TK twiddled her fingers behind her back.

Both of the guys stared at her, questioning why she would say that but not tell what she would've been spoiling, but shrugged it off.

The four worked on homework and talked amongst themselves. When TK would talk or add on to the conversation, Matt would stop writing and listen intently to her, taking in every word like he was being enlightened.

The girls started talking their Russian gibberish and Ben gave them a look. "What the hell are you two talking about? Honestly." He shook his head.

The girls giggled a little and Matt smiled a little. "Hey, Tio, wanna learn some German? I can help you figure out what I told you the other day."

TK blushed a little and smiled. "Okay." She followed him to the kitchen as he grabbed himself a bottle of water.

"Want one?" He looked to her.

She shook her head and combed her hair behind her ear. "I'm good." Matt leaned against the counter and took a sip of the water. "So what did you tell me..?" She asked.

"Du bist ein sehr schönes Mädchen. Ich würde dich gerne auf einen Termin bringen. Nur du und ich." Matt smiled to her.

"What does that mean??" TK urged.

He laughed a bit. "Well. 'Du' means you, 'ich' means me," he told her the easier words as she would try guessing what he said and when she was wrong, he'd give the German word of her guess.

"I give up!" TK groaned, laughing a little.

Matt chuckled and stood in front of her, leaning in close but not too close. She moved her hands onto the counter and stared up at him. He held her hands down and smiled.

"Du bist ein sehr schönes Mädchen. Ich würde dich gerne auf einen Termin bringen. Nur du und ich. You're such a beautiful girl and I'd like to take you out on a date. Just you and me." He translated.

TK's face turned red and she opened her mouth to say something but no sound came out. She moved his hands off hers and she pushed him back a little. He took that is a bad sign and frowned.


"Matthew Parham, prepare for a huge overdose of pain." She cleared her throat.

"W-Wait now-" before he could stop her she charged at him and tackled him to the floor, hugging him tight. "Tio-!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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