Tweek x craig: My Superman

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Tweek tweak sighed and made another thick cut on his arm and shut his eyes in pain. If his boyfriend caught him doing this again he would send him to a mental institution (Even though Craig has never said it to him directly, tweek knew he thought it.)He always wanted to know what Craig saw in a freak like him. But when he would ask Craig and his boyfriend would just shrug. He was just about to make another cut when he heard a small key jiggle through the front door, tweek put the blade away quickly and got in the bed and put the cover over him. His boyfriend walked through their bedroom door right on time,Tweek was hoping that Craig wouldnt notice a little bit of blood on the floor or even ask him what happened with his arm, Craig had literly caught him doing this literly once, and Craig hugged him and begged him not to do it anymore. Tweek had agreed and showered his boyfriend in kisses, After that tweek did keep his promise a little and didn't cut for at least 2 mouths....Until fatass Eric Cartman started callling him a autistic spazz that fat motherfucker could be so dawn mean at times. Craig came over to tweek and kissed his cheek, handing him a cup of Starbucks coffee. "hey baby, how was your day?" Craig asked while he was taking his shoes off. Tweek smiled and looked at Craig lovingly. "I-i-it was GAH! ok." tweek lied knowing his day went horribly especially with Eric cartman being in all of his classes. If craig knew that Eric was bullying his boyfriend, he would go bullistic and maybe even try to murder the fatass. noone would fuck with his boyfriend, except him. Craig sighed and lyed down on the bed looking at tweek and smiling, "I love you tweek Tweak" Craig said and put his arm around tweek. Tweek got nervous, Craigs hand was on tweeks cut up arm, What would he do if Craig asw the cuts? Would he send Tweek to an mental institution? Craig kissed tweeks cheek and looked into the spazs cute green eyes. "your not still cutting are you, baby? remember if i ever caught you doing that i was gonna beat the fuck out of the bitch that is fucking with you." Craig said and tweek just nodded. "I love you craig." tweek said and kissed his cheek. Craig smiled and pulled the blonde up against him, kissing his forehead, "I love you too tweekers." Tweek sighed and looked over at his half-awake boyfriend and smiled, wondering what craig could possibly see in someone like him. "Craig, i-I have been cutting again." Tweek told him Craig jumped up and pulled the blonde up with him, his face flushed with worry. "WHAT?!?!" Craig yelled and grabbed his arms, pulling his sleeves up franticly looking for the cuts his boyfriend had made. Craig sighed and looked down when he saw the six cuts Tweek had burned his arm with. Craig looked up into his lovers eyes and just simply whispered, "why?" Tweek sighed deeply again and looked into his boyfriends eyes. "i dont know why I do this, I just have to in order to live with the fact that my life sucks, they beat me up and take my lunch money at school-" Craig cut Tweek off. "WHO takes your lunch money and beats you up?" He asked with and angry expression on his face. Tweek was hesitant to tell him, in fear of what he might do. "tweek you will tell me who is doing this shit to you, so I can take care of them." he said in a, 'im gonna fuck them up ' kind of way Tweek sighed and realized he was gonna have to tell Craig, Cause either way the black haired boy was bound to find out sooner or later. "was it that fatass motherfucker cartman?" he asked his tone more deadly than the last time he spoke. Tweek just sat there and looked at Craig, Craig taking tweek's silent motions as a yes. "ok,so it was him I'll take care of his fat ass, he's not gonna fuck with my baby and expect to get away with it, shit doesn't work that way." Craig finished and then glanced back over at his boyfriend. "Tweek is any one else fucking with you that I should know about, and YOU BETTER TELL ME" he said and pulled his boyfriend closer to his chest no one would ever take his  Tweek away from him, Tweek was his and only his. "No baby it was just cartman" Tweek said and snuggled against his warm fuzzy buddy (what he called Craig) "tweekers will you promise me something?" Tweek nodded and kissed Craig's cheek. "Will you promise me that you'll never do this again? and you'll tell me if someone's bothering you?" Craig asked and Tweek nodded vowing that he would never EVER cut in his life time again,and you know what? he meant it. He would from now on be 100% with his boyfriend cause either way even if Tweek didn't tell craig about what was going on, He would find out anyway, That's how clever Craig hugh tucker was. And no matter how over-protective Craig could be, he still loved the raven-haired boy with all of his heart, he'd kill himself if craig ever left him, like he threatened to when they had that huge fight about who would make some kool-aid. Craig grabbed his boyfriend's face and pressed his warm pierced lips against Tweek's, In response, Tweek moaned into the kiss, wanting more of Craig. raig smirked and rolled Ontop of Tweek, pushing his tounge into the boy's mouth, Exploring every inch of his lover's mouth, Tweek's toes curled, And his manhood was beggining to get harder by the minute. Craig stood up a little and  flung his shirt off of his chest, looking down at tweek with lustful eyes."I want you inside me baby." Tweek mumbled shyly and combed his lions mane. Craig smiled and Ran his hands down Tweek's button up shirt. Once he finally got the spaz's shirt unbottoned he procceded to make his way down to Tweek's pant's weistline. When he finally got Tweek's pants and boxers off he picked up Tweek's manhood, first licking the tip and then making his way down,licking the underside of him and then letting the ball on his tounge slowly glide across the slit on the spaz's dick. Tweek moaned loudly and looked down at Craig, His eyes rolling to the back of his head from all the pleasure. Tweek thanked god that his parents were at a coffe convention so he had the house all to himself. Craig landed down and kissed tweeks forehead "l love you baby, please don't ever cut again it hurts me when you do that." Tweek nodded and looked right at craig, thanking god that he had this man as a boyfriend. Craig connected his lips with tweeks, kissing him passionatly, and letting his tounge explore his boyfriends> Once craig had finished, he moved down to tweeks neck biting and sucking the skin, Tweek moaned and held his boyfriends head. "baby...." Tweek moaned out. Craig sucked on the skin some more before moving to tweeks chest re-moving the button up shirt with force, angry at the blonde for damaging his beautiful skin. Once craig had torn off the shirt and thrown it across the room, his hands roamed tweeks bare, pale chest, Before he starts licking the skin and leaving pink marks just like he with tweeks neck. Tweek moaned out when craig reached his nipple, licking the bud, Craig wanted to make his boyfriend feel good and feel beautiful, and he would take care of that fatass eric cartman later. Once caig had gotten bored with one nipple he moved on to the other nipple, biting and sucking on that one also, making tweeks eyes roll to the back of his head, he was seriously enjoying the special treatment that craig was showing him. Craig finished up with tweeks chest and moved on to his lower stomach, caressing it with his hands. Tweek moaned out slightly as craig moved down to his weistline, kissing the underside if his pants (Where his memeber was ) Tweek moaned and looked don at craig his eyes not leaving the raven haired boys, after a while of licking tweeks member through his boxers, Craig finally decided to pull  off  Tweeks red and blue boxers, taking out his now hardened member and stuffing it all into his mouth sucking and licking his boyfriend,Tweek felt like he was going to go insane from all the attention that his boyfriend was giving him. Craig looked up at Tweek again, "You like that baby?" Craig asked and Tweek nodded, "Y-y-yes....." Tweek admitted embarassingly, his face red as a hot pepper. Craig smirked and went back to sucking, making tweek moan some more. After 20 minutes of sucking tweek off, Craig let go of the member with a 'pop' stroking him a little before taking his shirt off. Tweek tried to sit up on the bed and smashed his lips up against craigs,Craig smirked into the kiss and grabbed tweeks wrists, pushing tweek back on the bed and grinding against him. This is what tweek loved about having sex with Craig, Craig was very dominant. "F-f-f-fuck..." Tweek moaned as craigs grinding got harder and faster "o-oh godddddddddddddddd........." Tweek moaned as he caressed Craigs shoulders. Craig had enough, he got up off the bed and pulled off his pants and boxers, his hard member popping out, making tweek even more hornier. "you ready aby, or you want me to prepare you?" Craig asked touching tweeks member. "I-i-i want it Craig....." Tweek moaned shyly as he tugged at his lions mane, "Okay baby.." Craig grabbed the lube from under the bed and slicked up his dick, quickly thrusting into tweek, tweek letting out a choked pain. Craig stopped for a few minutes, letting tweek ajust to the pain that would soon become pleasure. it was about 6 minutes later before tweek finally spoke up, "you nngh! Can m-m-move now Craig." Tweek said to his Raven haired boyfriend. Craig Tucker smiled at his much smaller boyfriend. "Of course baby." He said as he started to ever so slightly go in and out of house boyfriend's entrance making the small male grunt in pain. Tweek had never done this before and he was happy and nervous at the same time. "Ok baby this is going to hurt ok? But it'll start to feel better soon baby, that's all I want is to make you feel good." Tweek looked up at his strong muscular, Raven haired boyfriend and smiled. "I love you baby..." Tweek said to his over-protective boyfriend. Craig leaned down to give Tweek a small peck on the cheek before thrusting in and out of his small boyfriend's hole at a slow pace. It got faster and faster from there, eventually making the bed rumble with pleasure noises and happy Cries. "B-b-baby g-g-go faster." Craig smiled at Tweek and nodded, fucking him like a machine, not stopping until his duty to make Tweek feel better was completed. "AH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK......." Tweek smiled as more happy Cries came from his throat. Craig picked up Tweek's member and started to stroke Tweek's aching cock. Tweek thought he would die of pleasure. "Craig! Yes baby yes!" Tweek shouted with joy. Craig could feel he was coming to an end. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Tweek shouted "cum for me baby." Tweek let out another groan and came on Craig's hand. Craig quickly licked up all cum on his hand and went back to Thusting inside of his small boyfriend. Tweek thought he was going to go insane from all the pleasure. "c-c-c-craiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig." tweek moaned out. Craig about to hit his climax. "F-fuck baby I'm going to cummmmmm" Craig shouted as he came inside the small boy, a lon grunt coming from the male. Tweek cuddled into his raven haired boyfriend, Craig kissing the coffee aiddict's nose. "I love you tweekers, forever and always...I just don't like it when you cut and then keep things from me. I want to protect you as much as possible even if that means killing a bitch." Tweek crindged at that thought he couldn't imagine his loving boyfriend killing anyone. "NGH! OK tucky" the spaz smiled and cuddled into the raven haired boy and eventually falling asleep, all that was heard were the sounds of sleeping from the two boys.

*The next day*
Craig Tucker walked out to the back of the school where he knew Stan, Kyle,Kenny and Cartman hung out at, He had a score to settle with that fatass bitch known as Eric Cartman. "Shut up stupid,Guys can't have kids you retard." "Yes they CAN you dumb jew." Eric didn't know that Craig was behind him until he was on the ground, The raven haired male had pushed him to the ground. Eric instintly got off the ground and dusted himself off, looking at craig with narrowing eyes. "What the fuck dude?" The fat boy blurted out Craig didn't say one word instead he just tackled the Fat fuck down and Punched him over and over in the head making the fat boy's nose bleed and more. The three tried to get Craig off Eric but no such luck. It was about 6 minutes later and eric was out cold. Craig spit on his face and simply said " Don't fuck with my Lois Lane." before walking back into the cafeteria.

YAYYYYYY finally finished! that took forever anyway i hope you guys like it! Cause I seriously worked hard on it

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YAYYYYYY finally finished! that took forever anyway i hope you guys like it! Cause I seriously worked hard on it. Please voteeeeeeee.😭😭

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