Dripping Gold {3}

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Like I guessed, Josh didn't talk to me the rest of the day. He didn't even come over to sit with us during lunch.

As relieving as that was, it was also boring. Wally ended up spending most the day in the art room, working on his comic and missing his classes. I'd taken down the notes for him, but it also meant I had no one to whisper to during class to pass the time.

When the end of the day came, I dragged myself down to my car after saying bye to my friends. I got in and cranked my music, trying to keep my mind off of how much bitching I was about to endure.

"I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh, the way that things have been," I sang along, wondering if maybe I should try to serenade Josh. My voice was so out of tune that maybe he'd beg me to leave before he started his bitching.

As his house loomed into view, my mood sank further. I could see his car in the driveway, and tried to mentally prepare myself as I parked and got out.

I went up to the front door and knocked my fist against it a few times. Josh pulled it open and I stepped in.

"You can just walk in," he said.

"Knocking is polite," I said, kicking my shoes off.

"Come on." He reached for my hand, but I held it away from him. He rolled his eyes and turned, leaving without another word.

I trailed after him, following him up to his bedroom. He shut the door once I was inside, and I went over to his window, staring out of it. Not that it was much of a view. Josh lived in a quiet neighborhood where the most exciting thing you might see is someone walking their dog.

Josh moved so that he was right behind me, close enough that we were almost touching. "Are you punishing me for something? What did I do wrong?"

"I would die of old age before I finished listing off the things you've done wrong," I said. A squirrel was darting around his neighbor's yard, and I let my attention fall to that.

"Robin." His voice was frustrated. "I can't do things right if you don't tell me what I'm doing wrong."

"Even when I tell you what you're doing wrong, you still don't do it right. You have no problem bitching about the things I do, but when you do them, it's perfectly fine," I said. Focus on the squirrel, Robin. The squirrel wasn't constantly pissing you off.

"Is this about Anthony? He and I are just friends," Josh said. "You know that."

"I do know that. Congratulations, I trust you more than you trust me," I said. "I wasn't jealous. I was just annoyed that you ignored me the whole time. You could've sent a text like 'hey Robin I'm with Anthony I'll text you later'. Wow, so complicated."

He put his arms around my waist and I let him. "Okay, so I'll do that. Next time."

He wouldn't, and I knew that. "You could also stop picking fights with me over stupid shit. Don't think I've forgotten about the fight we got into last week over where I parked when we went to the movies."

His chin came to rest on my shoulder. "Got it."

He definitely didn't have it. "And for the love of god, stop glaring at Wally. He's too pure for all the salt you throw at him."

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