Dripping Gold {6}

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"Hey, what's wrong?" Wally asked, coming up to me at the end of the day.

"To get back at Josh and apologize to Rhys, I invited Rhys to the coffee shop. I'm regretting it," I said. I was definitely petty, but this was just asking for trouble. I probably should've just talked to Josh about it. This would only cause more problems.

"Oh, Five and I are going there!" Wally said. "We can be the witnesses for you. If Josh asks, we'll make sure he knows that you and Rhys didn't start making out."

"How comforting," I said. "Well, I can't just ditch out on the guy now. So I guess I'll be seeing you and Five there."

"We'll sit near on the other side so you can use us as an escape," Wally said, flashing me thumbs-up.

"True friendship," I said, laughing.

I pulled out my phone and texted Rhys that I was leaving school now. Wally followed me down the hallway and outside.

"Things don't seem different," I said after a few minutes of silence between us. "Between you and Five, I mean. That's good, I guess. A comfortable relationship."

Wally nodded, face heating up. "Y-Yea, things haven't changed that much."

"Sometimes it's best if they don't," I said.

Wally bumped my shoulder with his, an impressive action given Wally's lack of height, and offered me a smile. "Sometimes change is good, Robin. Even if it's scary."

"Alright, mom, I'll keep that in mind," I said, pulling out my car keys. "I'll see you in a few minutes. If I start making out with Rhys, be sure to leave it out when you talk to Josh."

Wally laughed and gave a short wave before heading over to his car. I got in mine and turned my music up loud so that I wouldn't have to focus on my bad decisions as I drove.

"I leave my window open but I still lock the door, so you can look in but you're not welcome anymore," I sang alone, hating how cliché I was. Sure Robin, just blast music that fits your relationship as you drive away to be petty.

I pulled into the parking lot of Donovan's Coffee a few minutes later. I got out of my car and went inside, where Five and Wally were standing by the door.

"Wow, what an unexpected surprise," I said. I looked past them and spotted Rhys at a table. He gave a small smile and got up, walking over.

"I didn't want to order anything until you got here. I just grabbed us a table," he said, glancing at Five and Wally. "Friends?"

"Hey, I know you," Five said. "Other than you be the one trying to recruit Piers, I mean. I kicked you in the ass once. You run track, right?"

"That was my ass. Yea, indoor and outdoor. Claire Zampino, right?" Rhys said.

"They call me Five," Five said.

"I, uh, heard about that," Rhys said, shrugging apologetically. "Didn't know if you were fond of it."

Five waved her hand dismissively. "I roll with it."

"I can't say I know you. Sorry," Rhys said, looking to Wally.

"I'm Wally!" Wally said, a friendly smile on his face.

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