The George Carlin Book Club - Part 2

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Join the George Carlin Book Club, we've got books out the ass. Call now!! Here are some titles you'll receive:

Where to Go for a Free Fuck
Eat, Run, Stay Fit and Die Anyway
You Give Me Six Weeks and I'll Give You Some Bad Disease
Why You Should Never Mambo with a Policeman
The Stains in Your Shorts can Indicate Your Future
Earn Big Money While Sitting in Your Car Trunk
Where to Take a Short Woman
I Give Up Hope and it Worked Just Fine
Why You Should Never Yodel During an Electrical Storm
Fill Your Life with Croutons
Six Ways to Screw Up Before Breakfast
I Suck, You Suck
Reorganising Your Pockets
Where to Hide a Really Big Snot
Why You Must Never Give Yourself a Neck Operation
The Wrong Underwear Can Kill
Now You Can Cure Cancer by Simply Washing Up
Lightweight Summer Ensembles to Wear on the Toilet
Why No One Should Be Allowed Out Anymore
A Complete List of People Who Are Not Making Progress
Where to Throw Up Secretly
Ten Things That No One Can Handle At All
and Why You Should Not Sit for More Than Six Weeks in Your Own Filth

Call now!!!

- From Brain Droppings

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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