Chapter 6

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NYU, New York, Teddy's POV

My whole family's in New York with me. Well, I don't live with them, but still. I live in the dorms at NYU. Spencer and I broke up after a while, we decided it wasn't working. I was fine with a long distance relationship and face gabbing, he wasn't. I've moved on, but it still hurts. At least there's a cute guy in my Filmaking class, I bet he has a girlfriend though.

But today, I'm going to take a chance, maybe my conclusions were wrong. Alright Teddy, you can do this. I walk into Filmaking class and calmly take my seat. The cute guy walks in and sits down in the desk next to me, I silently squeal.

"Alright class, I have to go to a quick staff meeting, take this time to review your notes as there is a pop quiz once I get back," Our professor told us. She left out the door and closed it behind her.

"Hey Teddy, right?" The guy asked me.

"Yeah, and you're Josh, right?" I reply.

"Yeah! Wanna look over notes together?"


I glance over at the notes, and he reads from over my shoulder. I feel a blush coming on, and I'm correct.

Abigail's Highschool, New York, General POV

As everyone got settled into Math class, the bell rang signalling the start of class. Maya and Gabe sat on opposite ends of the middle row. While everyone was doing their work, with their heads down, Gabe decided to shoot a spitball at Maya. He sneakily shot one which landed right on her forehead. He stifled a laugh as she looked up, her expression furious. She pointed to his eyes then back at her own, mouthing, I'm watching you. Then she pulled out her own straw and spat a spitball right back at him, it landed in his hair. She raised an eyebrow, as if challenging him.

He mouthed, Oh, you're so on. She mouthed back, Bring it. They glanced at the front of the room at Ms. Bedmas, she had her focus on marking homework. Gabe looked back at Maya and shot another spitball at her. She shot one right back. They went back and forth for a little bit until Yoby caught on and shouted, "Spitball fight!"

Everyone started pulling out red straws and shooting spitballs all around the room, careless of their aim. Ms. Bedmas looked up, horrified.

"Stop! Put those straws down right now!" She demanded to the class. Everyone looked up, speechless.

"Get back in your seats! And handover the straws," She ordered. Everyone reluctantly sat back down, she came around gathering straws, then tossed them all in the trash can.

She turned back to the class, "Alright, which one of you started this?" She asked. All fingers pointed to Gabe and Maya. The two rolled their eyes, and crossed their arms.

"Ah, the troublemaker and the new kid, what a pair," Ms. Bedmas commented.

"I see we have two rebellious troublemakers of the 9th grade huh? Well you both get detention, today after school in Mr. Matthew's classroom," She continued.

The two rebels looked at eachother, Maya's read This is all your fault. Gabe's retaliated with, You challenged me. They went back and forth accusing eachother with their expressions until Ms. Bedmas said, "What are you two doing? Sit down."

They sat down, Maya shot a glare at Gabe, he shrugged. She was surprised, no one's ever shrugged off her glare before, everyone was scared of it. Apparently not the new kid. He's seen glares like that all the time before, it doesn't phase him anymore.

After class, she walked up to him.

"Thanks a lot, Duncan," She said, sarcastically.

"Right back at ya, Hart," He retorted.

Good Luck World {GMW/GLC Crossover} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now