Age 20: Finding Hope

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If I could go back and change one decision I made, it would be to stay with Ahsoka Tano. Because I never found my mom. Yeah, that's seven years since I left her and ten since my mom gave me away. Seventeen years all by myself. That's my life. A lonely life.
I shook my head. "No. I'm NOT giving you 5,000 credits for a hunk of junk! The thing barely works!" The Twe'lik growled and snapped at me in Huttse. "No. I don't care how much you got it for. Listen, I'll give you 3,000." I held out my hand with the credits. He reached out and grabbed the creds. He tossed me the keys and walked away muttering. I was on Ryloth buying a ship. Yeah, I crashed the last one. I was planning to go to 20 more planets before I gave up looking for my mom.

Pushing the button that made the walkway go up, and walked away. I needed to get food, so I headed towards a little cafe that looked really shady. Like, really. When the waiter had sat me down in the corner I ordered some food. It looked really weird but I was really hungry. After I had finished, I noticed an Imperial General headed my way. Kriff. I thought. Pulling up my hood I slid my feet up on the table and put my hand on the hip where my Lightsaber was. "Have you seen a woman that fits this description." The man asked. It sounded more of a statement then a question. "Black hair, green eyes and wears all brown." I shook my head. "No, I don't think so." He sighed as if deeply troubled by my answer. "Well if you do, report her to the Emprie. When he had walked away I abruptly stood up. The description was me. Only, I wore all black now. Tossing a few credits on the table, I strode away to my ship.

Ten minutes later
I was hovering over the planet Hoth. So far, my scanners told me that there were no life forms on the planet. I shook my head. "I was an idiot to think that my mom was here." I said to no one in particular. Suddenly something started to beep and lights started flashing. I swore in five different languages. The ship started smoking and slowly falling towards the planet. I saw Hoth coming quickly towards me. I braced myself against chair. "This is going to hurt." I muttered. Then, I felt a sharp pain travel from my feet to my head before everything went black.

When I woke, I saw several people trudging through the snow towards me. I quickly yanked up my hood and face cover. I looked into the people who stood over me. There were two men. One had blondish hair and the other had dirty brown hair. The blonde kneeled down and put his hands in position that looked like he was going to lift me up. Bring my hand to his chest, I shoved him away and pulled out my blaster. Then I was hit by a stun bolt and everything looked hazy.

When I woke I was in a torture chair. Well, really I didn't know what to call it because I had never been in one before. I jerked as hard as I could, trying to escape. Then I saw my Lightsaber and Blaster on a metal self. I closed my eyes and stretched out my hand, feeling the Force. And almost freaked out. Three people were in the room with me. I looked in the shadows. The two men that had walked up to me were there and a woman. "Where am I?" I said in a shaky voice. "At the Rebel base on Hoth." The dark haired man told me. "Han!" The woman scolded "I said not to say anything and let me do the talking!" He shrugged. "Han?!" I gasped. "It- it's me. Padmè." He looked hard at me, then smiled. "Kid! I didn't think I'd see you again!" He strode over to me and pressed a few buttons that released me from my arm restrains. "Han." The other boy said slowly. "You know her?" Yeah." Han nodded "We met when I found her escape pod. We can trust her, Luke." The boy, supposedly named Luke, shrugged. "Ok" The woman shook her head. "Lets take her to a cell and see what the General wants us to do."

Han, Luke and I stood watching Padmè on the cell monitors. "She seems trustable. But I want to be sure first." Luke nodded. "Lets wait to see what Ashley says. Till then, I want to talk to her." What." Han teased him. " Got the hots for her?" Luke just punched Hans arm and walked away saying. " What? And you don't?"

I was sitting on a metal cot as the three captains talked. I stood. "You guys are acting like I'm not even in the room. How old do you think I am? Three?!" Then I dropped to the ground and buried my face into my knees. I hated the number three. That's how old I was when I was left alone. Chewie suddenly burst in to the room and growled. Leia nodded. "Generals here." Was all she said. I slid on to the cot and pulled my hood up, right as a tall thin woman walked into the room.

Btw, in this next part imagine the music that is above is playing.

She was the same image as me. Walking past all the other people in the room. She stepped up to me and pulled my hood away. Then stumbled back, breathing hard. I stared at her. This woman, General of the Alliance, person I had taken 17 years to find.... was standing right in front of me. It took a moment to say the words, but they finally came out. "Mom?!"

.Yeah!!!!!!! She found her mom!!!!! Hope you liked it!!! And NO prequel! MawhahahHa!!!! I. Am. Bad!

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