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The kitchen of Number 12, Grimmauld Place, was chaos.

'HE GOT OFF, HE GOT OFF, HE GOT OFF!' Fred, George and Ginny were chanting, doing a kind of dance that involved leaping around a lot.

'FRED, GEORGE, GINNY, SHUT UP!' Molly Weasley shrieked, her cheeks flushed with combined annoyance and happiness. Harry was surrounded by people congratulating him, shaking his hand, clapping him on the back and beaming at him. Ron and Hermione were ecstatic, and Remus was smiling. Sirius put on a grin for his godson, but a flash of regret lay behind the dark eyes shining with happiness. Arthur had just Apparated away to deal with a regurgitating toilet, after promising to let all the other Order members know Harry had got off.

'We're going to have to have a nice big dinner…' Molly said suddenly to herself, bustling around the kitchen as she gave up on trying to shut her children up. 'Invite everyone… yes, that's what we'll do…'

'Mrs Weasley, you don't have to do anything,' Harry insisted, as Ron's eyes lit up at the prospect of food.

'Oh, it's no problem, dear! We should celebrate this. Shouldn't we, Sirius?' This last was said a little more fiercely, as Mrs Weasley gave Sirius a hard look.

'What?' Sirius appeared to have been in his own world, the smile from earlier having slipped off his face. 'Yeah, of course, Harry. It's great.' Forcing a smile on his handsome face, Sirius made to slip away when Fred, George and Ginny's chant started up again, even louder now. But he got no further than the threshold of the kitchen door when –


Everything fell silent as everyone's heads whipped round to the doorway. Fred, George and Ginny's arms were half up in the air, having been cut off in mid-leap, while everyone else was reaching for their wands. Sirius peered into the hallway where the huge crash had come from, and Bill and Remus came to stand behind him, wands pointed in the direction of the noise. Everyone else stood up and crowded in behind them, peering to see through the dark hallway.

There was a moment's silence. Then –

'Hugo, get your arse out of my face!'

'It's not my fault you landed in that awkward position, my elbow's trapped under Lily's face –'

'Scorpius, you're sitting on me!'

'And what's so wrong with that, I thought you'd quite enjoy it –'


'Sorry, Rose – I can't move because of Albus –'

'Well, I'm so sorry if I don't want to move FURTHER into Hugo's backside –'

'Albus! That sounded so wrong!'

'Hugo, move your arse so Al can get up!'

'I can't, Lily's trapped my elbow –'

'Oh, sorry – wait, Rose is lying on my legs –'

The people watching from the kitchen were too stunned to say anything, staring at the off scene unfolding in front of their eyes.

'Well, I can't move, Lily, because of Scorpius!'

'I told you, I can't – look, someone's going to have to move.'

'I can't.'

'Neither can I!'

'Yes you can, Albus!'

'What about you, Rose?'

'Don't start on me, I've got about three boys lying on top of me!'

'Please never say that again, Rose.'

'Guys – please, move, you're crushing me –' This new voice came from a boy on the bottom of the pile, and his voice made it sound like he was suffocating.

'Nobody cares, James!' chorused everyone else tangled in the pile.

'I do, I'm going to die here! Jesus, Rose, what the hell did you eat for breakfast? Concrete?'


'I take it back, I'm sorry…! Ow, Rose, why'd'you have to hit me there of all places?'

'It was the only place I could reach, be glad it wasn't your face.'

'Rose, let's try not to get too violent too soon.'

'Guys, we have an audience.'

Everyone fell silent as six heads poked up from the pile to stare at the several people staring right back at them.

'Who are you, and how did you get in here?' Bill demanded, wand directed straight at the intruders.

'We could explain, if these idiots got off me,' the girl they thought was called Rose said irritably.

'We can't move, Rose!' three voices snapped back.

'Oooh, wait! I think I'm free!' the other female voice exclaimed, yanking her legs up to her chest and rolling off the pile.

'Ouch, Lily, my head!' the girl called Rose groaned as her head fell violently back.

'Oh, sorry,' the girl called Lily apologised as she brushed herself off, straightened her top and beamed at the crowd in the kitchen doorway, three of whom were pointing their wands at her.

Gradually, the rest of the group disentangled themselves (after a lot of cursing and cries of pain) and stood up, looking at the group in the kitchen with looks of apprehension and dawning comprehension. There were two girls, and four boys. The girl called Rose had curly red hair just past her shoulders, brown eyes and a smattering of freckles across her cheeks. The boy who stood on the left of her had unruly black hair, emerald green eyes and glasses – the exact replica of Harry, minus the lightning scar. The boy on Rose's right was very pale, with messed up blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. He looked more scared than the rest of them, and had good reason to be. The girl called Lily had perfectly straight hair, though it was more auburn than red, and brown eyes. She was the smallest of the group, and stood next to a taller boy with the same unruly black hair as the first boy, but with hazel eyes and no glasses. He was still grumbling about nearly being squashed to death. The last boy was as tall as the hazel-eyed boy, though he looked younger, with curly brown hair and blue eyes and freckles, like Rose.

There was a few moments of silence, each group looking the other up and down, until the girl named Rose said brightly, 'Hello!'

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' Bill repeated, never taking his eyes off the group of teenagers.

'It's a long story,' the Harry-replica sighed – and then wished he hadn't.

'It's not a long story at all!' Rose exclaimed shrilly. 'It was all James' fault!'

'No, it was not!' the hazel-eyed boy called James shouted back. 'Why is everything my fault? If anything, it was your fault for being in the way –'

'You shouldn't have been tearing around the house in the first place!' Rose retorted. The two were now facing each other and glaring at each other.

'Shut up!' the Harry-replica yelled. The two fell silent, shooting each other dirty looks.

'Are you Death Eaters?' Remus asked loudly.

'If we were, would we be arguing like this?' the blonde boy drawled, raising an eyebrow.

'I wasn't bickering,' the girl named Lily muttered.

'Who are you then?' Sirius demanded.

'Uh –' the brown-haired boy began, then turned to Rose – as did the rest of their group.

She rolled her eyes. 'Well, this is going to be hard to explain.'

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