And you are?

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'So… you're definitely not Death Eaters?' Sirius asked, just for confirmation.

'No, we're six bloody teenagers from the future!' Lily snapped – then her hand flew to her mouth. 'Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to say –'

'It's okay, Lily, we would've had to tell them anyway,' Rose reassured the younger girl. She turned to address the group of people in the present. 'We are from the future, and we're not Death Eaters.'

'Though we can't be certain with this one, given past events –' the boy called James said, jabbing a finger at the blonde boy, but shut up when the boy snarled, 'Watch it, Potter.' He cowered even further under Rose and the Harry-replica's glares.

'Wait. Potter?' Harry spoke up, stepping around Remus to see the teenagers properly. 'Did I hear you right?'

'Yeah,' James said proudly, puffing his chest out. 'Potters and proud!' Rose rolled her eyes and smacked him lightly on the back of the head.

'Woah,' Ron said, looking dazed. 'You're… Harry's kids!'

'Well done, Sherlock,' Ginny chuckled, and he scowled at her.

'So, some of you are Potters, but some of you obviously aren't,' Remus said, eyeing the blonde boy and the brown-haired boy in particular.

'God forbid,' Rose muttered jokingly, and she chuckled at the offended glare she got from the Harry-replica.

'The easiest way to do this is for us to just introduce ourselves,' the brown-haired boy said.

'Good idea, why doesn't the coolest person go first?' James grinned, stepping forward.

'Modest too,' Rose and Lily remarked, and everyone laughed despite their odd situation, except James who made a rude gesture at them. Rose responded with one of her own, and before James could come back Albus said warningly, 'You two.'

'As I was saying,' James began again, with Rose pulling faces at his back unknown to James and Albus not about to stop her, 'I'm James Sirius Potter, and –'

'Sirius?' a few people repeated, and Sirius turned to grin at his godson. He was honoured that Harry would name his own son after him, that he thought so highly of him.

'Why wouldn't I name him after you and my dad?' Harry smiled, inwardly praising himself for his good choice of names. 'You mean a lot to me, Sirius. You're the only family I've got left.'

Sirius nodded, still grinning widely. 'I appreciate it, Harry, I really do. Thank you.'

'And anyway, I'm in Gryffindor, like every good Potter should be,' James continued.

'James, just introduce yourself, no need for the side comments!' Lily cut in.

'Fine, fine! I'm a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and I'm about to go into my last year at Hogwarts.'

'So are we!' Fred and George called, and James grinned at them, instantly recognising them.

'I live up to my namesakes in every way and my favourite class is Transfiguration,' James said.

Sirius looked like Christmas had come early. 'Harry, you've managed to produce a carbon copy of James! He's bloody brilliant!' he exclaimed, then frowned. 'You are exactly like James, aren't you?'

'I just said I live up to my namesakes,' James grinned wickedly, and Sirius smiled widely again. 'I inherited the Marauder's Map from Dad.'

'And I got his Invisibility Cloak,' the Harry-replica said. 'I'm Albus Potter.'

'Full name, Al,' James tutted.

Albus sighed. 'My full name is… Albus Severus Potter.'

'You're joking?' Ron and the twins yelped loudly, at the same time Sirius turned to stare at Harry, wide-eyed and gobsmacked.

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