The Make-Up

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"Victoire? Vic, wake up. Wake up, please!"

Victoire's frowned ever so slightly as she tried to place that voice. Her head was fuzzy. She couldn't remember anything… where was she? She was lying on something hard. The floor? Why was she lying on the floor? Had she fallen asleep?

"She won't wake up. Is something wrong with her? Victoire, wake up, now! Please wake up, Vic… something's wrong with her!" There was that voice again. It was female. In fact, it sounded a lot like Lily.

"I don't know, Lily… did you find her like this?" Another female voice. Rose?

"Yes!" Lily said, and Victoire thought she sounded teary. Why would she be teary? She'd only fallen asleep… "Oh, please wake up Victoire, come on!" Cool hands on her bare arms, shaking her.

"Lily, stop it, that's not going to help. Lily! Stop it!" Rose ordered. The hands became still, resting on her arms. "I think she's just asleep."

Victoire stirred then, eyes flickering open to the sight of Lily's face inches away from hers. Lily squealed, and the blonde winced. The noise hurt her ears because Lily was so close. The younger girl's expression turned apologetic as she scooted away from Victoire to give her space.

"Victoire?" Rose asked tentatively.

"Are you alright? What happened? Why were you asleep on the floor?" Lily questioned, and Rose rolled her eyes. Victoire had to smile.

"Yes, I'm alright, Lily," she assured the younger girl, sitting up. "I don't know what happened, sweetie. And I don't know why I was asleep on the floor either. Maybe it was comfier than my bed," she joked. She felt perfectly fine, now the fuzziness in her head was clearing.

"Oh, good," Lily smiled, relief written over her face. "I thought something had happened, like with Rose…"

"I'm fine, I promise," Victoire said, before narrowing her eyes at Rose. "And speaking of you, Rose – shouldn't you be resting downstairs?"

"I feel OK now," Rose shrugged, her hand straying to the other hand that had been bleeding so much. "I got bored down there on my own so I snuck out – don't tell Scorpius."

Victoire laughed. "Your secret's safe with me," she grinned, but even as she said these words her memory was flooding back to her. The pregnancy. Her fight with Teddy. And then she remembered everything she'd said, in such painful detail. Merlin, she'd been so stupid and unfair.

"Victoire?" Rose had noticed the change in her cousin's expression, and peered closer. "Have you been crying?"

"No," she lied, touching her tear-stained cheeks and her red, puffy eyes.

"You are a very bad liar," Lily stated bluntly, which made Victoire laugh out loud because the younger girl was no better – except when it came to her dad. With Harry, Lily just turned on the waterworks and he'd melt.

"Fine," she sighed. "I had a fight with Teddy."

"What about?" Rose asked softly.

"I – I can't tell you," Victoire said.

Rose glared at her. "Yes, you can, and you will," she demanded sternly. That glare was rather scary, Victoire had to admit.

Victoire sighed once more. "Alright, but you can't tell anyone. Either of you." She fixed Lily with her gaze. The redhead nodded solemnly. "Right. Well, I'm pregnant."

Rose's jaw dropped open. Lily gasped, and her face split into a wide grin. "Vic! That's bloody brilliant, congratulations!"

"Language, young lady," Victoire admonished, but she was smiling. "Rose?"

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