The Necklace

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All the Order members were contacted and told of this latest event. Kingsley, Tonks, Moody and Dumbledore were to come over as soon as possible, and other Order members would be going in and out.

Meanwhile, at the table in the kitchen of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Sirius, Remus, Bill and Mr Weasley, who'd arrived not long after the six teenagers from the future had, were discussing the necklace the teenagers said had brought them here. The ancient piece of jewellery lay on the table in front of them – it had shown up with the teenagers – with all four men staring at it, thinking it wise not to touch it.

The necklace was really very beautiful and expensive-looking – a pure, fine gold chain, so it hadn't rusted or lost its shine as it aged, threaded all the way through with ridiculously small diamonds that glinted blindingly when turned to the light and small amethysts and rubies dripping off the chain. There was nothing big or showy about it – it was intricate, beautifully handcrafted and had a kind of simplicity about it despite the fact it was obviously very expensive. While Sirius gazed at it in awe, Remus couldn't help feeling uneasy around the necklace. It was too perfect, too alluring and mysterious. And what's to say it wasn't evil, if it had brought the six teens here from the future? Perhaps a curse had been placed upon it. But by whom, and what for? What would sending a couple of unsuspecting curious kids into the past do, for good or for bad?

While the four men threw around theories and what, where, why, how and who questions, the rest of the room was strangely awkward and quiet. It turned out that when you met your children from over twenty-five years in the future, several of whom happened to be named after people for reasons you couldn't guess, and all of whom were scarily alike their parents and namesakes in personalities and looks, not to mention they were half-you and half-someone you had 'secretly' liked for the past four years, no one knew quite what to say.

Except for James, that is.

'So, Uncle George, Uncle Fred,' he grinned, clapping his hands together. Albus suspected that his joy was mostly to do with the fact that he could actually say 'Uncle Fred' – and to be honest, that was he and the others felt as well. 'What pranks do you have lined up this year?'

Beaming, the twins stood up and offered to show James the products they had been working on (quietly, however, so Mrs Weasley would not overhear them), though James of course knew all about them. James agreed eagerly and stood up as well, though he was soon yanked roughly back down into his seat by Rose. He made a show of rubbing his arm, and Albus rolled his eyes.

'James, don't you think we need to… erm, talk about this?' Rose said, as if it were obvious. 'So it's not all awkward.'

'Whatever you say, Rosie,' James nodded, earning himself a glare for using her nickname.

The group of six teenagers were sat opposite their future parents and uncles. James sat at the end of the table opposite Fred, and next to him was Hugo and then Lily, opposite George and Ginny. Next to Lily sat Rose, opposite Hermione, and Albus was beside his cousin sitting opposite Harry. Lastly, Scorpius sat on Albus' other side, opposite – to his horror – Ron. When Fred and George looked over at them, and Bill, Remus, Sirius and Mr Weasley too from time to time, it did not go unnoticed the way in which Albus, Rose and Scorpius sat – exactly as Harry, Ron and Hermione sat, with Harry in the middle and Hermione and Ron on either side of him. In fact, the only people who seemed not to notice this were Harry, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Albus and Scorpius. James, Hugo and Lily were used to it.

'So, tell us again how you got here,' Hermione said, the first person brave enough to ask a question of the future teenagers.

'Well, Rose, Hugo and Scorpius were round at our place, which they always are,' James began.

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