Good News?

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'So, tell me everything. What's Victoire like? How long have you two been in love? Are there any grandkids on the way?' Tonks' grin was infectious as she plonked herself on the kitchen counter. Teddy was making coffee for himself and his mum, as everybody else had disappeared around the house somewhere. Tonks had excused herself from work early in the hope of talking to her son some more.

Teddy chuckled. 'Grandkids? Slow down! I mean… I want children, sooner rather than later if I'm being honest. But I don't think Vic's ready. Whenever I bring up the subject, she starts talking about something else.' Tonks frowned at this. It seemed like Teddy was hiding something. 'And you know what Vic's like, you've known her for the past few days,' he pointed out, pouring boiling water in two mugs and adding milk.

Tonks shrugged. 'I know, but I want to hear about her from you,' she said.

'OK, then,' Teddy said, dropping the teaspoon in the sink and handing Tonks a mug. He leaned against the counter, cradling his mug in his hands. 'We've been best friends since I was four, and she was three, though Fleur and Grandma keep saying we've been inseparable since Vic was born.'

'Ah, Fleur the terrifying mother-in-law,' Tonks teased. 'I hope Victoire doesn't find me scary.'

'Course she doesn't, she thinks you're great!' Teddy assured her, and Tonks beamed. It was nice to hear that her son's wife liked her. 'Actually, it's her dad who scares me more.'

'Bill's a softie at heart,' Tonks smiled, and Teddy grimaced. 'My mum looks after you, then?'

'She's brilliant,' Teddy nodded. 'Harry and Ginny are too, and Mrs Weasley. It's like having four parents.'

Tonks smiled. 'I'm glad,' she said more quietly, glancing down.

'I miss you so much, though,' Teddy said. 'I didn't have any memories of you until now, but I've still missed you my whole life. I never had any real parents. This is amazing, to me.'

'I'm sorry,' Tonks whispered, and then she was hugging Teddy, the mugs of coffee sitting forgotten on the counter. 'I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry for leaving you…'

Teddy hugged his mother back just as tightly, squeezing his eyes tight shut in an effort to keep the tears back. He never wanted to let go. He just wanted to stay here in his mother's embrace, for as long as he could, for as long as they could both hold on.

'It's not your fault,' Teddy insisted, his voice hoarse. 'It's not your fault, Mum… I swear it's not your fault… Bellatrix Lestrange got what she deserved.'

'My aunt?' Tonks asked in surprise. 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She hates me almost as much as she hates Sirius.' She gave a half-hearted chuckle. Teddy didn't smile.

The Auror pulled away, studying her son's face intently. 'Hey, come on. If we only have a week or so left together at the most, I don't want to spend it moping around. And I'm so happy that we do have that time. I get to see my son all grown up, eh?' She ruffled his hair. Teddy chuckled. It felt odd, being that she was younger than him right now, but he liked the simple gesture all the same.

'Teddy!' a frantic voice called from upstairs. Both Metamorphaguses frowned.

'Isn't that –' Tonks started.

'Victoire,' Teddy said, and he was out of the kitchen and hurtling up the stairs before Tonks could blink. Or change her hair into an anxious brown colour.

Teddy found his wife in the only usable bathroom, throwing up what looked like everything she'd eaten that day. Trying to push down his gag reflex, Teddy scooped her hair back for her and rubbed her back, calmly speaking soothing words to her. This was the second time she'd been sick in a matter of days. Was this another effect of the curse, like the bleeding?

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