Deangelo Penzance

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"So then, Al. Cannons or Harpies?"

Ron helped himself to another Chocolate Frog as he grinned at his nephew, throwing the all-important question to him. Harry raised his head in interest. Hugo hid his snigger. All four boys were currently sitting in Harry, Ron, Hugo and James' shared room, hiding from Mrs Weasley, Hermione and anyone else who might rope them into cleaning the house or researching in the library.

"Neither," Al replied. Ron and Harry's jaws dropped.

"But – what – you must like Quidditch!" Ron spluttered. "You can't be a wizard and not like Quidditch!"

"Are you sure you're my son?" Harry asked worriedly, the same look of horror twisting his face.

Al burst out laughing. "I never said I didn't like Quidditch! I play Seeker, remember?" he pointed out, and both boys flushed and offered him sheepish grins. "There are more than two teams, y'know!"

"Well, you've got to support the Cannons or the Harpies, don't you?" This was obviously confusing Ron a great deal. "I mean, you're either a loyal Chudley Cannons supporter, like me –" Harry snorted and Ron elbowed him – "or you prefer the Harpies because of Ginny. Lily told us she played for them for over ten years."

Al nodded. "She did, but the Harpies aren't my favourite team, much to Mum's annoyance," he shrugged. "Neither are the Cannons, because quite honestly, they'd still be a better team if half the players were replaced by Blast-Ended Skrewts."

"Oi!" Hugo and Ron protested, but Ron smiled at his son's support of the Cannons.

"Nah, I support Puddlemere," Al revealed. "Since I was about five."

"Puddlemere?" Harry and Ron repeated, before Harry shrugged. "They are doing quite well at the moment. Didn't Wood sign over to them recently?"

Ron nodded. "For the reserve squad, I think." He swallowed the last of his Chocolate Frog and reached for another one.

"Oliver Wood? He retired four years ago – in our time, I mean. His son plays Keeper for them now," Al said. "But Antony Rodrick – he's the star, isn't he, Hugo? Fastest record for catching the Snitch ever, as of March 2020, and right under the other Seeker's nose as well. He's why Puddlemere are top of the league right now. They're set to win the Championship for the fourth time straight, I'm telling you now. Rodrick was a Slytherin, too."

"Yeah, yeah, you harp on your boyfriend," Hugo joked, and Al rudely gave him the finger. "But the Cannons will catch up next year, you mark my words. They've just signed McAllister on."

"Any good?" Ron asked.

"He's getting on a bit, but it's just more experience, isn't it? McAllister was the best Chaser the Tornadoes ever saw," Hugo replied, and Ron looked satisfied at this.

"Who does everyone else support, then?" Harry asked.

"Teddy – whoever's winning at the moment, Victoire – nobody, Dominique – Harpies, Louis – whoever's doing really badly at the moment, he's a bit weird like that, Molly – nobody, Lucy – Tornadoes," Hugo began.

"And Fred – Falmouth Falcons, he likes the motto, Roxanne – Harpies, James – Cannons, Lily – Harpies, and Rose – Puddlemere," Al finished.

"What? My own daughter doesn't support the Cannons?" Ron was outraged.

"I got her converted in the end," Al grinned, and Harry chuckled while Ron just scowled.

"Actually, I think it might be more to do with the fact she fancies Darren Wood," Hugo said.

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