A Shocking Secret

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Lucina cried and soon felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Lucina? Are you ok?" Renato said with concern in his voice.

"Oh, Renato. I've messed up. I really messed up. Now, Elena and her friends and Avalor is in danger. And it's all my fault." Lucina said with fresh tears rolling down her face.

"It's not your fault. She just tricked you."

"I know. But, I didn't see the signs or anything. And I'll never be able to stop her."

"Yes, you will. Besides Shuriki is not that strong."

"How do you know?"

"Because...I'm Shuriki's son."

"What?" Lucina jumped out of her seat and backed away.

"It's true. I'm her son. And she's my mother."

"You're...you're...that means your a..." Lucina stammered.

"I'm a sorcerer. Just like my parents." Renato said and showed her his wand. He used his wand to reveal some blue highlights.

Lucina grabbed her tamborita and pointed it at Renato, "Stay back."

"Lucina, I..."

"No. You lied to me. This whole time you've been lying to me."

"No, I haven't, Lucina, I..."

"I thought you cared about me. I thought you were my friend."

"I am. I'm nothing like my mom. And I'm like you. I've never had any friends of my own. I do care about you."

"Prove it."

"Ok." Renato said and pulled Lucina close and kissed her. As they kissed Lucina was surprised and couldn't believe what was happening. She felt her whole world fade away. She soon realized what was happening and pulled away.

"Wh...Wwwhhhaaattt...." She trailed off.

"Was that enough evidence?" Renato smiled at her.

"That was...amazing." Lucina sat down and tried to think about what just happened.

"You're acting like you never had a kiss before."

"You had, though?"

Renato blushed, "Not really. I just...it's guy stuff. You wouldn't understand."

"No, I wouldn't," Lucina said sounding like herself again. She soon had a plan and gasped, "Renato, I might have a plan to stop your...wait. What about you? You sounded a bit sad when you thought your mom was gone."

"Right," Renato sighed, "So, defeat her gently. You know just break the wand, hide it somewhere she won't find it, and lock her away. Gently."

"Yeah, that seems really...helpful. Maybe we should get some advice from Zuzo."


"Zuzo. He used to be my grandfather, Alakazar's chanual. He gives some good advice and is now my brother's chanual."

"Ok. Do you know how to do the spell?" Renato asked.

"No. Not really. The truth is I don't know how to cast any spells," Lucina said and grabbed her tamborita, "Now, this spell might not work for the first eight or nine times so...Yeah."

"What is a chanual to be exact?"

"You don't know? You're even cuter when you're confused. I mean a chanual is another word for spirit animal."


"Ok. Here goes. Aluminara Alakazar Wayoel!"Lucina said and a puff of blue smoke appeared.

"Is it working?" Renato asked.

"I don't know."

When the smoke cleared they both saw a blue spirit fox.

"Zuzo?" Lucina said in amazement.

"The one and only. You must be Alakazar's granddaughter. And Mateo's sister." Zuzo said.

"I am. I can't believe it. I casted my first spell. I summoned Zuzo."

"Yes, you did. Now, do you need any help?"

"I do. I made a terrible mistake and...I put all of Avalor in danger. And everyone, mostly Naomi, says that I'm bad. What if she's right?"

"M-hm. Ok. Well, Lucina, let me give you some spirit animal advice. Good people sometimes make bad decisions. They might mess up and let their loved ones down. But, if you get up, learn from that mistake, and fix it, you'll recover."

"So, you're saying that even the hero make mistakes? And they sometimes let their loved ones down? But, if I stop blaming myself, not repeat that mistake, and try and help the others, they'll forgive me?"

"You catch on quickly. I like that. Now, go on. I know you might just save the day."

"Thank you, Zuzo."

"Anytime." Zuzo said before disappearing.

"Come on, Renato. Lets go."

Renato nodded his head and they both ran off to the one place Shuriki might be hiding.

Elena of Avalor: Mateo's Family SecretWhere stories live. Discover now