Screech [The Silence]

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The Quiet

     Wind rustles the browning leaves on a starless night. In the shallow end of the woods is a small lake. From there muffled screams of terror are heard. A woman in a torn and dirty sleeping gown is knocked off her feet and onto the ground. Scratches and bruises cover her from the neck down. The cold breeze nips at her skin creating goosebumps. Her eyes water as she looks into the eyes of her aggressor.

"Please, I'm sorry. Just stop." She pleads. Her gaze falls to her blood smeared on the grass. 
   His hand wraps around her neck and forces her gaze to him. "I raised you by myself for sixteen long years after your mother died. I fed you, clothed you, put a roof over your head and you do something like this?"

"I'm sorry." Tears ran down her face. He stood over her like a tyrant. She could only barley see his stone face from the light coming from their cabin behind him.

"You're gonna be." He growled. His grip around her neck tightened and forced her head under the water.
    Her heart beat pounded as her face was completely submerged. She could feel her cheeks going numb as the icy water nipped at her skin. "I only kept you around because you reminded me of her. The same complexion and curled firey hair. But I'd rather die than let something like you live off of me." He spat.
  Although she knew it was useless she let out a gargled scream in attempt to call for help. Just before her vision can fade and her heart stops she hears his voice whisper one last time. "Don't scream."

And it goes quiet.


    Two teenagers walk down a path in the shallow end of the woods

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    Two teenagers walk down a path in the shallow end of the woods. It is a warm summers day and sunlight shines down in fragments through the trees. The only sound to be heard at this time is the chatter of the two boys and the crunch of twigs and leaves beneath their feet. In the distance they can spot a small dirty lake near their cabin.

"Have you heard about the stories of this cabin?" A black haired boy by the name of March questions his friend.

"Didn't some girl drown in the lake like ten years ago?"

"Her dad drowned her after he found her kissing a girl in the living room." He explained. March's friend eyebrows raised, his face showing a hint of confusion and worry.

"And this is where you want to tell your parents the news?"

He shoved one hand in his pocket and scratched the back of his neck nervously with the other. "I mean no, this isn't the ideal place, but this is the place my family wanted to spend vacation." He paused looking off. "You're gonna support me right, Devin?"

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