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Suho's POV

12:01 AM
Seoul Medical Center

After rushing to the hospital by a cab, I dash to a front counter to ask the receptionist lady for a patient named Kim Cheon Sa.

Before she knew I was Suho from EXO, I begged her to keep it down. After signing myself as a visitor, I sprint to the nearest elevator.

I am itching to see Cheonsa in person since she is waiting for me. Finally, I flee the elevator and run down the long hallway, hoping we will meet soon.

I stop in my tracks to rest my hand on my knees beside a door with her name on it.

This is her room. She is just behind this door...

Without hesitation, I take one last breath before knocking on the door.

Surprisingly, the door opens and it turns out to be a nurse. "Are you here to visit Kim Cheonsa?"

"Yes." I speak calmly, but my heart is pounding against my chest in excitement when the nurse invites me into the room.
"You came at the right time. She just woke up from her coma."

There she is. Kim Cheonsa, propped against a pillow, is finally awake. Her frail, thin body almost made her look like a withered skeleton and her hair past her shoulders, but she is still beautiful.

When her attention shift towards me, I almost lost my breath at her soft, innocent look. During our first encounter, we are both unexpectedly surprised.

"I'll give you two some space." Then, the nurse exits the rooms.

Once the door closed, my guilt starts kicking in and I was the first to speak. "I-I'm so sorry this happened to you..."

When our eyes met, my expectations that she'll perhaps remember me faded in an instant.

"Huh?" Cheonsa identifies this feeling I was expressing quite strange. "I'm sorry. You must have me confused with someone else..."

My eyes widened in shock when her eyes identified me as a stranger.

"But, you're so handsome..." Cheonsa stares with a weak smile. "Are you an angel?"

All this time, I expected her to remember me, but it struck my heart badly when she saw me differently.

"I'm just... visiting." The world suddenly became a blur to me when I try to smile through my tears. "I'm not here to take you."

"Are you... crying?" Cheonsa suddenly feels bad for me, but she does not know why.

Laughter found its way out of my throat upon the sight of such curious, innocent eyes. "I'm just glad you're awake. I'll let you rest now." My bangs fall over my swollen eyes. "Good night, angel."

Words died beneath my throat after realizing how clueless she is, so I leave the room in silence.

"Are you her relative?" The nurse asked, but I shook my head in response.

"No, just close friends. Did you contact her parents?"

"Her father is on his way."

I sucked my teeth. I wonder if she'll remember her father... The nurse noticed my knuckles turning white.

"How did she not recognize me?" I clench my fists on my sides. "Was it because of the coma that caused it?"

"Her coma didn't cause her to have memory loss. Both coma and memory loss are two different injuries to the brain, which either one can occur without the other."

"So she has memory loss?"

"Amnesia." she corrected. "She has amnesia."

My eyes enlarged, tears began to form again. "I-Is it curable?"

"There are no medications, but it is possible for the brain to regain its memories. I suggest you to be patient and give her some time to recover."

I swallowed a lump down my throat, knowing that I'm not a patient person. But the only best option is to wait and give some her time to regain her memories.

"Okay..." I let out a heavy, unsteady sigh and choke back my tears.

The nurse feels sorry for me. "We'll do our best to recover her as soon as possible."

I nod my head thankfully, even though that wasn't something I wanted to hear from her.

Because right now, Cheonsa sees me as a stranger. A stranger who loved and cared for her ever since day one.

The times we've spent together... was it all a dream?

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