Oh shit.. I like girls

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The fire begins to ignite by the click of a match or in our case a beautiful girl. The fire is small but oh so heavy to carry as we came to a life changing realization. This fire blossoms with every look and smile a girl gives to us or others. The flip of her hair and the raising of her eyebrows when you give her a compliment. It makes you wonder.. why didn't i realize sooner?

Maybe these feelings have been kept in since we were much younger and the explosion of what is known as realization came to us much later in life. This explosion is a mixture of shock, fear..and a sigh of relief? As we start to understand our sexuality maybe these questions have ran through your minds? (because I know they have for me)

-"Am I a lesbian now?"

- "Or maybe i am bisexual."

-"Maybe i am a pan-sexual?"

-"will i be accepted from my  family and friends?"

-" will i ever have a girlfriend?"

Maybe this process was easy for some of us, while for some....it was extremely hard to even believe we even had these feelings in the first place. Sexuality is something that is hard to grasp, you are not the only one struggling to figure out what you truly desire when it comes to love. Sometimes we cant even understand it at first... for some of us it might have been the skip of your heart beat when she walked by. Or the longing you felt when she hugged you and pulled away so fast that you could only move on and daydream about later. These feelings were so conflicting when we are faced with a world that is so heteronormative, so I understand how you feel. It is a balance of terrifying comfort when we try to understand our sexuality and how to establish it into our lives. 

I want to tell you now before your true journey begins, whether you have figured out if you like girls or not.  Be proud of your "Oh shit...i like girls" moment because it is something beautiful and nothing to be ashamed about.  Never depend on others opinions of your sexuality unless they are only helpful, because they are not  WHO YOU ARE.

WLW are women who are cherished and needed in this world, as we break the "norms"and find love in extraordinary ways.

Here is a violet for enduring the beautiful struggle of finding out your sexuality. You are beautiful and continue to bring love to other WLW.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for reading! if you would like to share your oh shit.. I like girls moments, fellow wlw you are welcome to! Also any advice you would like to give on this topic is open to give! No one will judge you as you are extraordinary.


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