Chapter 1

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Hey readers, so this is my first story I've ever written on wattpad and I'm really excited ASJFIDHSAGFDS. 

Dedicated to: Maddy (contain your feels)


Chapter 1

Maddy's POV

Trevor Moran has uploaded a new video.

Practically hurdling over my bed, I sat down at my desk and clicked the link in a heartbeat. 

"I will meet you someday and we will make beautiful children." I cooed to the screen.

I've had a crush on Trevor since he started being in O2L; it was like love at first sight. I mean we have so much in common already. I sing and he sings....just better than me,he's a you-tuber, I'm a you-tuber, he doesn't penny board, and I can barely stay on the board for more than 5 seconds. We're practically a dynamic duo meant to be. Plus he's only 1 year older than me. He's 18 and I'm 17.

Now let me tell you, I have a pretty good life as it is, I have friends, and I'm sort of popular. I watch you-tubers way to often, I'm talking about Alfie,Zoella,Shane Dawson,O2L, Jenna Marbles, Joey Graceffa, Kingsley, etc. I'm in a collaboration with two other girls on YouTube and I think we're pretty cool, you know got five subs now, thanks to mom and my three friends. I'm totally kidding by the way. Anyways, my life revolves around school and social media. Too much social media, especially...Tumblr. I think it's an unhealthy addiction to scroll for five hours.

"Trevor's so perfect," I held my face and gawked at him moving around the screen.

Blindly reaching for my cup of water, I grasped it weird and instead, pushed it off the desk.

"Oops," I said getting out of the chair and crouching down to clean it up.

New notification on Twitter

I finished really quick and set the cup on the desk and tabbed into Twitter.

I saw it. 

My heart stopped beating and the walls closed in, the air in my head stopped flowing,

O2L will be coming to Seattle for DigiTour 2014 on 6/20 buy tickets for $25

I'm pretty sure I have never screamed so loud in my life.


So what do you guys think of Maddy?

IG: @xmkjx

Byeee <3



Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now