Chapter 13

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I couldn't breathe, or process what he was saying. 

"I love you Madalyn." It echoed in my head. I started breathing rapidly, hyperventilating. He pulled me into him stroking my hair.

"Shhh. I'm sorry Madalyn. I'm sorry." Then it poured out. I was crying, but why? That was the best thing ever. The kiss replayed in my head. "Perfect." he had whispered. I tried to calm down. He held me close to him, I clung to him, gripping fist fulls of his jacket. This was just overwhelming, never would I have ever thought this would actually happen. that I would be this close to Trevor Moran.

"I'm here. It's okay. Let it out." That's what I did

"I-it wa-wasn't bad, i-it w-was g-good." I choked out, finally calming down. He wiped a tear away with his thumb. 

"Don't cry. I might just cry watching you cry." He furrowed his eyebrows. I smiled at him weakly.

"That really was amazing. Thank you for making my wish come true." 

"My pleasure princess." He kissed me on the top of the head and hugged me to the side of him. I wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like that for a while.

After what felt like an hour of silence.

"Do you want to know why I was crying?" I looked out in the distance. We were sitting on a bench by the play ground.

"If you want to tell me, yes, but I don't want to push you if you're not comfortable." I smiled.

"I was overwhelmed. This is just, it doesn't seem real, all of it. Seems like this only happens in a dream or in a movie..." I trailed off.

"Movies, books, and dreams, make us hope for something like this. They do happen, all the time, at the right place, at the right time. You'll get your happy ending and we'll live happily ever after with our 69 kids." He teased.

My eyes grew wide, I snapped my head in his direction and threw a handful of snow at him smirking. 

"You are so immature!" I laughed. He looked so hurt from the snow, but then picked up his own handful and threw it at me. And so it began, a classic snowball fight.

"Hey I didn't say go!" Trevor launched a snowball at me, but I ducked in time.

"I thought you did." He said innocently, knowing I didn't say anything. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Go." I said quiet enough so I could hear and he could barely hear and sprinted at him chucking snow ball after snow ball at him. 

"Hey, ow! I didn't. ow! hear you say go!" He protested.

"You didn't hear me say go either so I guess we're even!" I hurled another snowball at him hitting him in the leg.

I ran out and ran back to get more. but Trevor was there, covered in snow and I wasn't slowing down. He engulfed me in a bear hug.

"Let go," I wheezed, "I can barely breathe!"

He released, and I dramatically dropped to the ground playing out a scene in my head to scare him. I started coughing and pounding my chest.

"Are you okay?" He bent down and rubbed my back.

I kept coughing until I made my face turn red. 

"Oh my gosh, come on let's get you home." He swooped me up into his arms, bridal style and trotted all the way home. I don't think he realized that I had stopped when he picked me up. So protective, I almost felt bad.

When we got home, he lay me down on he couch, and went to get something in the kitchen. I pretended to have passed out when he came back and I peeked open one eye to see him sitting in a chair in front of the couch watching me with his head in his hands.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have squeezed you so hard. I'm so sorry." He shuttered.

"It's okay." I whispered with my eyes still shut. I could feel him looking at me like he wasn't sure I had spoken.


No response. 

He slumped back down in his car and played with my hair. I liked when he did, I didn't mind. I realized he was gone after two minutes of silence. Looking around, I wondered where he had went when I heard him descending the stairs. I lay back down and closed my eyes again. He draped a blanket over me and pushed the other couch next to mine like a bed. He lay on his side propped up on his elbow watching me. I couldn't take it anymore, I opened my eyes and looked at him grinning. He looked flabbergasted.

"I. Was. So. Messing with you. I was fine that whole time." I smirked.

"Are you kidding me Madalyn you scared me!" He looked angry.

"Sorry, I just wanted to mess with you." I whispered.

"That wasn't nice at all." He relaxed. 

"Sorry." I covered my face with the blanket.

He pulled it off, his face inches from mine. We stared at each other for a while. I started to feel bad.

"Go to sleep, I have a surprise for you later and you're gonna wanna be awake tonight."

I was already tired and started to drift off. He bent down and kissed me again. It was quick but gentle and sweet, and with that. he got up and went upstairs. 

Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now