Chapter 24

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I wanted to stay like that with her. Like we were the only two people on Earth. But it's a shame that the world can't be like how we want it to be. It's cruel like that. Because let me tell you, the day that Christian showed up, my world shattered. We did finish the bucket list that day and she passed out on the floor in the living room with me. Cuddled together with a blanket over us. School the next day turned everything upside down.

Christian's POV

It felt good to be back in Washington, I missed it. I was walking through the hallways at school and saw this beautiful girl walk down the hall towards her locker. Lucky for me, my locker was right next to hers. I was starting to feel a hole in my heart. I missed her. When I moved I gave her up. I didn't even know if she still lived in Washington or went to school here anymore. I mean I moved in freshman year. It hasn't been that long. She was beautiful right from the day I laid eyes on her. We met in kindergarten when I spilled my juice on her and she threw her teddy bear at my head. I didn't like her then, but she was different with her hair in pigtails and she wore overalls with long sleeve shirts and light up shoes all the time. We were best friends from then on, and we even had the same teachers every year. Same classes, and we would always hang out after school. She was my other half and I missed her so bad for three years. For three years I couldn't walk up to her and say, "Hey, I like you," or a simple "hello." 

I got to my locker and shoved my books in and snatched my math book. Slamming the locker shut and startling the girl next to me, I stomped off to class. Good job mind, you ruined my day you ass crack.  The school was still the same so I didn't need any introductions or tour guides. I plopped down where I always sit in classes, in the middle by the window. Everyone else started piling in and I was getting looks from people and I could hear them whispering about me. I only smirked and chuckled in response. Nothing new. This sort of thing always happened when we got "new" students. The teacher came in and I guess he saw me right away seeing as to how he gestured for me to come up to the front. It looked more like he was doing a modern dance called The Rainbow. I got up and walked to the front of the classroom.

"We have a new student today, would you like to introduce yourself young man?" he looked at me.

"Uh, hi. First off," I started and leaned against his desk, setting my hand on it for support. " I'm not new, I was here for part of freshman year. Second, my name's Christian. Christian Powell. Not Chris, or Chrisdog, or Christopher. Christian," I finished before making a small smile at the class and heading back to my seat. The class was quiet. It was like that for the rest of the period. Students were quiet and the teacher was rambling on like the teachers in Charlie Brown. When class ended, everyone erupted into fits of whispers and gossips. I caught a few of them.

"Do you know who that dude is?!" I was behind two girls who were extremely close to each other.

I walked up next to them. 

"Yeah, my name's Christian Powell," I imitated a high girl voice as best as I could. 

They squealed before murmuring sorry a few times and scurrying off. Oops.

I walked back to my locker and brushed past that girl again. God she looked so familar. She reminded me so much of her. My best friend. My lover. My other half. The girl I never got to tell my feelings to. The girl I fell in love with in kindgergaten. The girl with the pigtails, overalls, floral socks, and light up shoes. It was time for lunch and I walked over to get in line when a familiar face ran into me. 

"Christian?" I knew that voice.

"Trevor?" My eyes grew wide at how he looked now. He was about my height now and just seemed like a different person altogether. 

"Dude it's been like 3 years since I've seen you. How are you?" he brought me into a hug for a quick second. 

"I've been good. I've really missed Washington though," I said as we walked to a table nearby and sat down.

"How have you been?" I asked when we sat down.

"Good. Wish you would've came back sooner though."


"I'm really making it in music now. I've got two singles out."

"Are you serious? That's great bro!" I clamped him on the shoulder.

"You got a girl?" he asked with his mouth full of food. 

I thought about it. "No,"  I sighed. "You?" I looked at him.

"I'm working on it," he smiled to himself. I felt bad because Trevor was like a brother to me and I never told him about her. The girl. We had known each other closely since the sixth grade. When I left for North Carolina, he was sad for a long time. We talked as often as we could and he came once a few months after I left to visit. Seems like it was a lifetime ago. 

"Good, it's about time you did." I chuckled.

We didn't talk for the remainder of lunch. It was just us two eating our food and looking at everything around us. He broke the silence towards the last ten minutes. 

"I've missed you, no homo," he said.

"Same here."

"We can finally catch up and hang out like we used to all the time right?" the way he said that reminded me of when we were in middle school. I'd always go over to his house when I was down or having problems with my family. He's always been there for me. The bell rung for lunch and we started walking to our classes. 

"I think you should meet her," he said. 


"The girl I told you about."

"Dude, you never said anything about her, but okay," I chuckled. He disappeared for a few seconds and came back. It was that girl I've been seeing all day. I swear I knew who she was. She looked a lot like the girl I liked too.

"Christian, this is Madalyn."

Everything snapped into place at that moment. That girl. My other half. Pigtails, overalls, floral socks, and light up shoes girl. Madalyn. Maddy.  There was another thought that followed.

One. My heart just exploded.

Two. I'm in some really deep shit.

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