Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I'll try to update sooner and more often. Almost 2k reads! You guys are amazing. Thank you!


We parked the car in the parking garage at the mall and quickly got out of the car. Except, when I closed the door, my jacket was still in the door and I tried to run. I landed flat on my butt on the concrete and started laughing. Trevor looked like I just been hit by a car or something and hurried to help me up. When I finally managed to untangle myself from the door we walked into the mall and headed towards the Apple Store.

"Are you ready?" He looked at me with a smirk.

"I've been ready," I said with determination, and with that we stomped through the doors and headed for one of the computers.

"Okay, we might get kicked out. I'll go ahead and start it though," He said as he opened up the camera and hit record. 

"Hello everyone, I am the one and only..TREVOR MORAN," He was speaking like he was on the news and made a lot of exaggerated hand motions. 

"And today, I am in the mall with Madalyn. I am so happy to be bringing out a new Apple Store Dance to my hit single The Dark Side. Buy it on iTunes," his voice began to fade out as the song came on. The lyrics started to come on and he started dancing as if he were in a music video. I gaped at his confidence. Crazy. Next thing I knew, he was pulling me into the camera frame with him and started jumping up and down, fist pumping. I grinned and started to dance too. We sang the lyrics together and had the best time ever. People were recording but I couldn't care less. The song finally finished and he did his outro. I tripped and fell in the background and felt embarrassment knowing it was going on the internet. He uploaded and security started to come towards us.

"RUUUNNN FORRESSSTTT RUNNNNN," He hollered as he grabbed my wrist and ran out the store with me behind him. I told him he could slow down as we ran out of the store, down the escalator, out the door, and to the car. He slid into the car and I did as well before he started the car, backed out and drove out of the there as fast as he could. I burst out laughing.


"That was the best thing ever," I smiled, having a flashback of what had happened only twenty minutes ago. 

"What's next on the list?" He asked with his eyes still glued to the road.

I looked out the window, noticing how nice of a day it was today. The windows were rolled down and I took the chance to put my feet up on the corner and adjust my position so I was slightly leaning towards Trevor. Go-carting, photo booth pictures, laser tag. We could get it done today.

"Go-Carting.' I said at last.

"Okay!" He exclaimed suddenly making a sharp U-turn and stepping on the gas, flying past building after building until we arrived in the parking lot. The place was pretty packed too. Great. We scrambled out of the car and ran over to the booth to buy tickets for admission. 

"$24.50 is your total," the cashier said. She seemed familiar. The same blonde hair, hazel eyes, skinny figure, and semi-pale skin. I snapped back to reality when Trevor was dragging me behind him towards the waiting line. We were nearing the front and suddenly he started singing Firework by Katy Perry, getting looks from strangers all around. There was a high note coming up and I burst out laughing when his voice cracked in the middle of it. The admission guy took our tickets and told us to choose our carts when it was our turn. Trevor picked a dark blue cart, while I picked a light blue one behind him. There was a little boy in the cart next to Trevor who seemed to be about 9 years old. He was telling Trevor that he was gonna beat him and leave him in the dust, and in response, Trevor stuck his tongue out at the little boy. Goodness gracious Trevor, so serious. When everyone got settled, the man running the carts got us started.

"On your mark....get set.....go!" He waved a black and white checkered flag and we were on our way. The last time I ever drove a go-cart was literally when I was like 10, and I wasn't exactly doing the best job driving. Neither was Trevor though. We went around the first corner and Trevor managed to get himself turned around, facing backwards, but he didn't stop. Instead, he continued to drive facing backwards, his face towards me. A girl slammed into the side of my cart, jerking me sideways. I regained my balance and saw her ahead of me trying to catch up to Trevor. Oh, heck no. You wanna play girl? Let's go. I slammed the gas and darted between and around people until I was behind her. Slamming into the back of her cart, she jerked forward and spun out, hitting two other carts and getting caught in between the tires that acted as railings. Trevor gaped at me. 

"Madalyn what was that!?" he shouted over the roaring engines.

"Revenge," I smirked and proceeded to bump into his cart only making him shift around slightly, facing the right direction again. I brushed passed him, "Come on slow poke!"

"Hey! You wanna play dirty!? We can play dirty!" He shouted. Then he was coming towards me. I stepped on the gas harder and zoomed around the course, cutting off other drivers to get away from him. We had two more laps left and I was getting the hang of the whole driving. Trevor was catching up to me and I was blocked by two carts in front. Without a choice, I hit the back of one to move it a bit, and slid around them. Trevor was on my tail now and we had one lap left. 

"Race you!" He screamed and drove past me. Cheater! This was serious now, life or death, it was like having your phone on the line. I stayed on his tail and we were almost to the finish line. Quickly, I touched the bumper and went around him, and zoomed past the finish line. I hopped out of the cart and ran to the car. He stomped over with a frustrated look on his face. 

"Aw, what's wrong Trevy?" I cooed.

"Oh, nothing," He smirked at me. "What's next on the list?"

"Laser tag." 

He started to chuckle. "Well then what are we waiting for, let's go!" He smirked at me.

I'm terrible with guns.

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